12-21-12. What Did It Really Mean?

The world didn’t end on 12-21-2012 but that didn’t stop many from putting a lot of fear around that date before it actually arrived. Some began prophesying an inevitable doomsday. Movies and TV shows started appearing about it. Churches preached to people to get their acts straight. And suddenly much of the world was focused on something that originated from a Mayan calendar over five thousand years ago. As the date came and went, once people noticed that the world hadn’t been destroyed and souls hadn’t raptured out of people’s bodies, life seemed to resume back to a state of normalcy. But did it really?

Through some research and working with a Shaman, I have come to realize that 12-21-12 was never supposed to be about the destruction or death of our planet. And it wasn’t meant to be about what the Bible said was going to happen in Revelations. It was actually about a rebirth and an awakening happening within and around it. For awhile I was skeptical as I tried to learn more about this. But as time has gone by and I have healed more from my past with God at the center of my life now, I am seeing there is definitely something going on around me that’s different, much different, as compared to how things were before that date.

There seems to be massive forces of nature wreaking great havoc daily now somewhere in the world and resulting in many deaths. It feels as if there is some type of gun violence and large death toll occurring all too often. The threat of war is looming over many different areas of the world. There are more and more suicides happening every day. Many of my own friends and acquaintances are dropping like flies around me from diseases or substance overdoses. Even closest to home, I have seem a drastic rise in my roommate’s addictive and compulsive behaviors as compared to them being more subdued last year.

While there is much out on the Internet written by others who too have been observing this, I have formulated my own thoughts on to what is actually happening.

I do believe that there is an energy shift occurring now everywhere on the Earth. So many movies over the years have portrayed this as a fight between Light and Dark. It’s my belief that as 12-21-12 drew nearer and then passed on by, that fight rose to a much greater level in all of us. If the words Light and Dark don’t work for you to understand this, then how about Love and Hate? Good and Evil? And so on and so forth.

Several years ago I began to feel this shift happening within me to move away from the dark behaviors that I was living in daily. It took me just about two years to get away from them all. By the end of April, 2012, I had freed from myself from all of those things that had kept me filled for years with hate, anger, rage, jealously, judgments, spite, malice, and more. Now I’m working on cleansing myself from all that damage I did during most of this life to myself.

Was this all part of some huge shift that the Mayan Calendar had predicted? I can’t say for sure. The only thing I can say with absolute truth is that I have felt a huge push to clean my own act up and get rid of all the poisons I placed within myself year after year.

What I see happening now as I continue to work on growing more towards Light and Love is many others either heading in the same direction, or going in the exact opposite. For the longest time, I was somewhere in the middle. I sometimes lived in behaviors that one might have deemed as good and loving. And other times I lived in behaviors that one might deem as bad and hateful. Since 12-21-12 has passed, I have felt such a momentum to move more quickly to a life filled with love and light. Many others have already been there for awhile and I’m hoping to join them soon. I still have some more healing to do from my past transgressions before that happens. Unfortunately, there are those too who have migrated a different way to living more in hate, selfishness, self-centeredness, greed, lust, and envy to name just a few of the things on the other side of the spectrum.

Regardless of what the Mayan Calendar was really saying, my main desire today is to continue to heal myself and become much lighter, brighter, and more loving. By becoming much lighter, brighter, and more loving, I am hoping to be able to help others make their own choices to head in the same direction as me. The more I can help others make their own choices to head in the same direction as me, the greater I believe our planet can be filled with a lot more unconditional love. The greater our planet can be filled with a lot more unconditional love, the more all of us will begin to see things much brighter. And the more all of us begin to see things much brighter, the less our world will see any death and destruction that is continuing to happen around it right now.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson