Psychic Connections And Psychic Phenomenas

Have you ever thought about a person from your past that was once close to you, but hadn’t been a part of your life in quite sometime for whatever the reason? Have you ever gone a step further by attempting unsuccessfully to track them down because you really missed some part of that connection? If you can answer “yes” to both, then the more important question I want to ask you is this. Did that person ever suddenly reach out and contact you shortly after your unsuccessful search for them? If so, it’s quite possible you may have experienced one of your very own psychic abilities.

The word “psychic” has always drawn many harsh critics in this world, and for a long time, I was one of them. For many of the earlier religious years of my life, I labeled anything that fell under this term as either being “devil-based” or a bunch of crap. But then I started noticing strange phenomena happening to me at times that I couldn’t explain through science or rationality. The following is a list of just some of them:

  • Knowing what my friends were going to say before they even said it
  • Have knowledge about certain events or actions in a person’s life that I was never told about
  • Having frequent Deja Vu experiences
  • Thinking about a random person out of the clear blue and suddenly the phone is ringing with them on the other end

And of course, my most recent experience with this was when I searched intensively on the Internet for a close friend I lost touch with many years ago. His name’s Steve and at one time, was one of my best friends. I met him back in 2005 when I lived on the small island of Chincoteague, VA during the years where I owned and operated a bed and breakfast there. He wrote for the local newspaper and became interested in some of my random writings about a meditation retreat I had gone on. To make a long story short, he suggested I write an article about those experiences, and that eventually led to me becoming a monthly columnist for his newspaper. It was through that experience where I learned about my passion to write. And it’s also where I developed a wonderful friendship to a guy who helped me to get through several lonely and very difficult years of my life. Somewhere along the lines though, after I moved far away from that island, I lost contact with Steve. More than five years passed until just a few days ago when I started thinking about him again. I went onto the Internet to look for him but I found nothing other than an old image on Google. Silently to myself, I wished him well and went on with my life. Three days later, I received an e-mail from my website that was sent by him!

When enough things like this begin to happen in life, it becomes harder and harder to write them off as coincidences. In this case, something more was going on that I tend to believe was a psychic connection. I say this because of what I learned from Steve once I got on the phone and spent an hour catching up with him. It was then that he told me how much he had been thinking about me lately. Ironically, in that same period of time I too had been thinking about him, which is when I had tried to locate him on the Internet.

I’ve often tried to duplicate what happened between Steve and I, but with others from my past. There are many people I’ve lost contact with over the years and been unsuccessful in my efforts to track them down. None of them have ever reached back out to me either. So its made wonder if a psychic connection only happens when God wants it to happen. Maybe God wanted Steve and I to rekindle our friendship for some reason that’s beyond either of our comprehension?

Whatever the reason, I’m just grateful for when those strange psychic phenomena occur in my life, like I believe it did with Steve. I give God thanks for reconnecting me to someone who helped guide me long ago on part of my spiritual path, even when he probably didn’t know he was even doing it. It’s because of Steve that I ever even learned about my passion to write. But even more importantly, it’s quite possible that I wouldn’t even be sitting here right now writing this entry, and maintaining this blog, if God had never put Steve in my life in the first place…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, is just one of those ways...

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