Mantra For The Day – For Surrendering Your Will

Probably the greatest battle any of us face on this planet when we are walking a spiritual path is that which wages on between our self-will and our Higher Power’s will. I spent years trying to win a make-believe tug-of-war game with my Higher Power, whom I refer to today as God. I say that because I understand I have always had free will, except the more I’ve lived in it, the more I became miserable. That’s why I decided four years ago to begin turning more and more of my will and life over to God. To get there, one of the things I started utilizing was the use of a mantra and I know it’s worked. While I may still get frustrated at times with where God has my life, I find it’s a whole lot better than it was before I ever began using this tool. So if you want your Higher Power to take charge more in your life, I encourage you to try using the following mantra on a regular basis as well.

“I release and surrender my entire will and life over to (my Higher Power, God, etc.)”

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson