June’s Questions For You To Ponder

Well it’s that time of the month again to pose my monthly spiritual questions for everyone to ponder. I hope each of you will take the time to mull them over and maybe even share a few of your responses after you have. And as always, my own answers are listed below as well.

  1. What do you think happens to you after you die?
  2. What is your definition of a true friend?
  3. What is your ideal partner/soulmate?
  4. If you could become famous, what would it be for?
  5. If you had a terminal illness with less than six months to live, what three things would be most important for you to do?
  6. If you and three others were the only remaining people left on earth, who would you want those three to be?
  7. If you were to get stuck on an elevator for a few hours, whom would you want to be stuck in there with?
  8. What is your most painful memory?
  9. What would you do differently in life, if you knew no one would ever judge you again?
  10. Describe a miracle that’s happened in your life?

And one more for good measure:

  1. If you could have God answer one question, what would it be?

My answers:

  1. First, a reflection back upon my entire life, including my choices, decisions, and lessons learned. Second, time spent with others in spirit form, including ancestors and other beings of light. Third, rest and relaxation in a place I could constantly change its surroundings to be filled with amazing beauty. And finally, the option to return into a new physical form with more lessons to grasp in the next life.
  2. Someone who is concerned more often with the needs, wants, and desires of another than themselves.
  3. Someone who’s main desire is to grow closer to their Higher Power, who knows happiness comes from within, and who shows unconditional love towards everyone, including themselves.
  4. Speaking or writing.
  5. Make sure I’m free of any anger or resentment towards anyone or anything. Spend it in a beach home by a crystal blue ocean. Chronicle everyday of it to later become a book titled “Six Months To Live…”.
  6. The Dalai Lama, my partner, and my spiritual teacher.
  7. No one, just me.
  8. Either the day my father took his own life or the one where my mother took her tragic fall down the stairs.
  9. I’d be far more open about my sexuality than I am, like holding my partner’s hand in public.
  10. Becoming fully sober from addictions to alcohol, drugs, gambling, cigarettes, sex, codependency, love, caffeine, and shopping and completely healing from a traumatic childhood that included mental, verbal and sexual abuse, and bullying.
  11. God, why don’t you ever talk to me directly so that I can hear your voice?

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson