Why Do We Judge Anyone?

Oh how easy it is to judge another person on what they’re doing. We’ve probably all done it at some point or another, some more than others, but the real question is why do we do it in the first place?

I have my own theories of course as to why I’ve ever judged someone. Most often it’s been because I’ve wanted to shift the attention off of me. You see if I placed the focus constantly on the behaviors of others instead of my own, than I never had to look at myself and see the fact that I was just as guilty of doing the same exact things.

Another big reason why I’ve ever judged anyone has been due to underlying resentments I had towards someone. Judging them was always my way of amplifying those resentments solely to justify why I didn’t like them. But this toxic process only fed on itself because the more I judged them, the more I became resentful towards them and the more I became resentful towards them, the more I continued to judge them.

One last reason as to why I’ve ever judged a person has always been related to the things they had that I didn’t. All to often in life I’ve looked at someone who was a good speaker, or had a great looking partner, or had an incredible job, or was financially really well off, or had achieved success in some way, and in each of these cases, I’d become jealous or filled with envy. And to deal with these feelings, I’d regularly judge them on the behaviors I saw them doing, hoping it would somehow detract from my desire to want any of those things they had that I didn’t.

But the reality I’ve faced for each of these three situations whenever I’ve judged an individual is that it’s truly not healthy to do it at all. Specifically why is directly related to what most often remained long after I ever made any judgment and that was the total lack of serenity within. Instead, more than not, I’d become totally irritable, which only caused me to continue seeing the world with judging eyes.

This is precisely why I’m convinced nowadays that judging anyone is not in alignment with my highest good. To walk the spiritual journey I’m on, I know that as soon as I start feeling like I want to judge someone, I need to pray to see the good in that person, I need to send them love, and I need to take a deeper look within myself as to what possibly still needs to be worked on within me. I have even go so far as to keep a great reminder of this on my license plate for the past bunch of years, as it says “DNTJDGE”. Thankfully I’ve become far less judging of others in the process and I plan to keep it that way…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, www.thetwelfthstep.com is just one of those ways...

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