Daily Reflection

“People cry, not because they’re weak. It’s because they’ve been strong for too long.” (Johnny Depp)

Crying is something I’m trying to do a lot more of lately, but unfortunately I’m often finding it quite hard to do. That’s mostly because I programmed myself over many years to believe it was weak. I’m sure you’ve heard that old saying that “Grown men don’t cry.” Well I’ve learned in recent years how very wrong that is. In fact, these days I’m more inclined to believe crying is essential to any healing I’m going through, as well as to my soul. Nevertheless, I’m grateful for when any of my tears should arise, like I was recently when I went into my backyard to pray early one morning. There, I watched as a young robin tried to fly up onto the safety of my fence when I got closer. It appeared to be injured, as it truly struggled to do so or even move. I could see it was very scared, even when I attempted to comfort it with a little love. After giving it some distance, I sat and observed another robin approach and feed the fearful robin with a berry. It was then, for whatever the reason, I began to cry. I’m not exactly if that was because someone was still watching over this injured robin, or if it was because I identified with it on where I’m at in life at the present time. Regardless of whatever the reason, it truly felt good to cry. I’m so grateful for each of my tears when they fall, because I know now that each are removing that false programming that made me think I had to be strong all the time.

I pray my body, mind, and soul each become more and more open everyday to crying, as I know my tears can truly be healing for each.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson