A Reassuring Graffiti Message From The Universe During My Trip?

Do you think it’s possible that the Universe could actually send a little reassurance to us through something as simple as graffiti? I ask that only because of two words I saw scribbled on the back of one of those 18-wheelers on the highway, just after I had gotten picked up by my sister at the Nashville airport and was telling her how worried I was about the next few days I’d be visiting her and her family.


That was what the graffiti said on that truck and precisely what I did my best to do over the next four days while I was away on travel by myself for the first time since my health issues had become as frustrating as they’ve been in the past few years.

And you know what?

Everything really did go quite well on my trip.

The airport and flying experiences all went very smoothly.

My pain levels remained extremely manageable.

There were never any arguments or tension between me or any member of my family.

And I never did relapse into any addictive behaviors.

Now that this trip is over, I find myself wishing there was some way I could permanently turn off that worry component of me and truly trust Jesus all the time. Given how much I worried before this trip and up until I saw that message on the truck, it made me think of that story in the Bible where the disciples were caught in a storm in their boat and thought they were going to capsize. But when they awoke a napping Jesus in a panic, He asked why they had such little faith and told them they need not worry. After which Jesus then calmed the churning seas and ferocious winds.

You know, I totally can relate to those overly panicking disciples. So, I guess maybe this whole having-more-faith-than-worry-thing is a constant work in progress. At least I did have enough faith to trust Jesus though, and step through my fears to complete this trip, because overall, I know my sister’s family and myself will have plenty of happy memories to remember.

And in the end, beyond the reassuring “Trust Jesus” message I truly believe I received from the Universe, I find myself feeling very grateful to God and all of you who helped make it such a wonderful time away…

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson