Having To Have The Latest And The Greatest…

The $1000+ Iphone X (or Iphone 10 if you prefer) came out just under two weeks ago and while I may have once done whatever it took to get my hands on something like that, which was being touted by Apple as “the latest and the greatest” in technology, I found myself rolling my eyes instead. Yet, I read that plenty of others in the world felt different and had actually camped outside of many Apple Stores for up to ten days in some cases to get one.

A number of those campers were interviewed once they got their new cellular device. Some bragged about having something now that most others didn’t, while others talked about not having much money in life, except they had been totally willing to shell out the $1000 minimum for their new phone. Unfortunately, I can relate to both.

There once was a time I felt the need to show all my friends my shiny new phone because my ego was screaming at me for recognition of having purchased something that cost so darn much. And there was a time as well when I justified I didn’t have the money to do something with friends when they asked because I had spent so much money on the latest and greatest piece of technology, like a phone. Thankfully, that’s not me anymore.

Currently, the mobile device I’m using is an Iphone 6s that I acquired when my Iphone 3gs finally stopped functioning, as it was constantly dropping calls and having problems accessing the Internet. And I’m happy to report that my two-year financing will finally end next month! My carrier of course, keeps sending me reminders that I can and should upgrade to one of these new Apple phones, which most definitely I won’t be doing.

I don’t need the latest and greatest of anything anymore. I’m just fine with something that works and gets the job done. I have plenty of that to show in my life from outdoor lawn equipment to my car to electronics in the house that have aged a bit but still work quite well.

I used to spend so much money on acquiring all those bells and whistles that would emerge in the technology sector, but for what? A week, maybe two, ok, maybe a month of enjoyment and feeling a high because of it? Yet that high always wore off eventually, only creating a drive to do it all over again. It really was a vicious cycle in its own right mind, and an addiction of sorts.

So, while I may not have ever gone so far as camping out at a store for any length of time for one of those latest and greatest things, I used to idolize my possessions and put myself in debt at times because I had my priorities all mixed up. I was worshipping and not a Higher Power and frankly, I probably worshipped myself more than not because I had acquired so many high-priced things.

I’m just glad that’s not me anymore and that I’m completely fine with owning a two-year old phone. It may not have all those attractive new features, but it communicates just fine with others and allows me to utilize the Internet A-OK as well. But more importantly, I’m thankful my energy is focused a lot more now on acquiring a closer relationship with my Higher Power and not in having to have the latest and greatest of something this world has to offer, because ultimately, I learned that none of them would ever be enough…

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson