Grateful Heart Monday

Welcome to another entry of Grateful Heart Monday, where gratitude remains the only subject of my writing for the day, which for today is for those who have never stopped praying for my health and healing ever since they first learned of all that I go through in that part of my life and have kept the faith.

People often want to help me with my health and healing and tend to offer advice and suggestions as that seems to always be the norm and usually first reaction when someone sees me suffering in pain. Unfortunately, having gone down a very long road over the past decade, trying so many avenues of things that were suggested might help, has only led to greater frustration and hair (that I honestly don’t have much of!) being pulled out. So, when people ask me now how they can help with my health, I ask for only one thing. To pray for me, on a daily basis, and to not stop until they know I’m better.

I have never fully given up on myself with this healing journey and have instead kept my faith in God that I will one day be healthier. After exhausting the medical world for help years ago where it eventually was left with my solutions all being to numb what I felt through concoctions of drugs, medical marijuana, CBD, Lyrica or Cymbalta, or pain killers, I opted to pursue other avenues, as I wasn’t looking to numb myself from the pain, I was looking to heal from it. So, I tried many other healing modalities, from acupuncture to chiropractic and everything in between, but sadly, all to no avail. Eventually, I came to acceptance that whatever was going on in my mind and body was beyond the help of science and medicine and holistic healing.

For the past four years or so, which I’d say has been the darkest period of this entire healing journey, I’ve prayed countless prayers for relief and to not give up on myself, as on more days than not, I’ve wanted to. Thankfully, God has not only put into my life some who truly get my frustration and know suggestions don’t help, but also who have had a sincere desire to pray for me on a regular basis and have.

Some of you have privately emailed me over the years and told me you’re praying for me, while others have told me in person. I’m quite sure there are others as well who have never told me personally that they too are lifting me up regularly in their prayerful routines.

Nevertheless, this really was but a simple entry today to just thank each of you who are praying for me, who haven’t stopped praying, and continue to keep the faith like I do, that God will one day deliver me completely out of these depths of despair over my health and into a much healthier state of mind and body.

While I know there are plenty who have suggested that after all this time, that maybe God doesn’t plan to take it away, I choose to see it differently and am thankful for all those who do as well and have kept praying for me because of it. I really believe it’s because of you prayer warriors that I’m still kicking and I truly am grateful for all of you, which is why I’m dedicating today’s Grateful Heart Monday to each of you for continuing to keep me in your prayers without ceasing…

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, is just one of those ways...

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