God Focuses On The Good In Me, Do You?

There are so many times I feel like people can’t and just won’t stop focusing on their judgments of me, seeing me more in a bad light, than a good one, even when I’m doing my best these days to place others first before myself. Even when I do nine things out of ten to the best of any human potential, but fail at one of them, it seems as if that one failure gets focused upon with glaring energy more so than any of the other nine good things. I have often joked lately that even if I somehow could walk on water like Christ once did, that plenty would still find fault with me somehow.

I’ve noticed this pattern quite a bit in recent years the harder I’ve worked on my spiritual self. I seem to get more criticism than praise the harder I work, compared to how it used to be when I didn’t care about my spiritual condition at all. Then, I had plenty who liked to gossip with me and judge with me and act out in addiction with me. But that isn’t who I am anymore, and I work so very hard to not be that way. Even so, my flaws continue to be the main focus with too many, so I’ve come to accept that maybe my work isn’t in trying to get any of them to see I’ve changed, it’s in accepting that God has already seen that change in me and that’s ALL that matters.

Why some continue to only see my mistakes and not the heart I have, I don’t know. What I do know is that those who keep on judging me says a lot more about them than it does me. Regardless, I’m distancing myself from those people in my life now who can’t seem to find positive things to say about me and like to cite out my flaws and imperfections instead. Ultimately, I don’t want or need people like that in my life who do so, as that only reminds me of my alcoholic parents who disapproved first and praised second, a pattern that only ever led to me never feeling good enough in life and one where I always felt like I had to try harder.

I AM good enough and I AM a good person, just as I am. I do my best to love everyone with the unconditional love of Christ and I accept everyone with all their flaws and imperfections, always looking to see the good in everyone I meet. God sees that and has given me a clean slate to work with, one I feel He gives me EVERY, SINGLE, day. I don’t believe He holds me to my past failures, or even my present ones, and doesn’t dwell on when I make mistakes either. Only human beings do that, usually because of their own inner inadequacies.

Anyone who chooses to focus more on my flaws and imperfections, instead of seeing the good in me and how far I’ve come in my 26+ years of sobriety from alcohol and drug addiction and the almost 10 years of sobriety I have from sex and love addiction, isn’t someone I want or need in my life. I know there is nothing I will ever be able to do to change their opinion of me, as only God can do that within them, as He has done within me. It’s time for me to finally see myself in the same light that God does, with unconditional love, and to stop worrying about all those who continue to see me as anything else…

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Silly Joke Friday

Silly Joke #1

A third grade teacher asked her students, one by one, to stand in front of the class and tell the class what their Daddy’s do. Little Mary went first, “My daddy is a doctor and he saves people’s lives” “That’s wonderful Mary. Now how about you Jane, what does your daddy do?” “My daddy is a lawyer and he puts bad people in jail,” says Little Jane. “Very good Jane. Ok Little Johnny, what does your daddy do?” “My daddy is dead” says Little Johnny. “Oh, I’m so very sorry to hear that Johnny,” said the teacher, “what did he do before he passed away?” Little Johnny responded, “He turned blue and then crapped on the carpet!”

Silly Joke #2

WIFE: “Honey, there’s trouble with our car. I think it has water in the carburetor.”
HUSBAND: “Water in the carburetor? You don’t even know what a carburetor is!” Have you’ve been drinking?”
WIFE: “I’m telling you the car has water in the carburetor! And what does that matter if I’ve had a few drinks or not?”
HUSBAND: “Well, you sound a little drunk. Where’s the car now anyway?”
WIFE: “Ummm….in the neighbor’s in-ground pool.”

Silly Joke #3

LITTLE JOHNNY: “Dear God, so far today, I’ve done all right. I haven’t lied, I haven’t lost my temper, I haven’t been grumpy, nasty or selfish, and I’m really doing good! But in a few minutes, God, I’m going to get out of bed, and from then on, I’m probably going to do all those things and need your forgiveness and all ok? Thanks! Amen!”

Silly Joke #4 (Adult Humor)

Three priests went to the train station to take a trip to Pittsburgh. The senior father looked to the youngest and said, “Will you go to the booth and buy the tickets for us?” The young priest timidly replied, “Yes Father.” And he headed for the ticket booth. When he gets to the window, he sees that the young woman selling tickets is wearing a VERY low cut neckline and is VERY endowed. “Could I have three pickets to Titsburg?” he blurted. Embarrassed for his mistake, he quickly left and ran back to the other two priests and told them what had happened. The senior father then asked the middle-aged father if he would go to get the tickets. “And would you please get me two nickels for a dime while you are there?” he added. “Certainly!” the middle-aged priest replied, “I’ll be right back.” When he arrived at the booth, he said “I’d like three tickets to Pittsburgh, and could I have two nipples for a dime?” Embarrassed for what he mistakenly said, he abruptly left and ran back to the other two priests and told them what had happened. The senior father was angry and said, “You two wait here, I’ll obviously have to get them myself!” He stormed off to the ticket booth and when he got to the beautiful young lady’s booth he said, “I would like three tickets to Pittsburgh and two nickels for a dime.” “And you should be ashamed of yourself, young lady. Dressing that way in public! Why….I’m sure that Saint Fingers is shaking his Peter at you right now!” Turning beet red at his mistake, he then swiftly ran away as well…

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Question For The Day

Today’s question is…a fun and easy one…

One of my favorite shows is Netflix’s Cobra Kai, which is a throwback from the 80’s Karate Kid film trilogy that starred Ralph Macchio. On this new series there are 3 karate studios fighting for dominance. If you HAD to choose one of the following to be a part of, which one would you choose?

  1. Team Cobra Kai (“Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy”)
  2. Team Miyagi-Do (“Karate is for defense only”)
  3. Team Eagle Fang (“Always be a bad-ass on the offense, but do so with honor and a code of ethics”)
  4. I don’t really like karate and would probably never join any karate dojo…

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

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