Thought For The Day

Today’s quotes deal with relationships and partners stepping up for each other, defending each other, especially when someone outside the relationship attacks one of them, as in the case of something happening in my life recently with a difficult neighbor who struggles to find any appreciation of me and instead continues to attack me passive-aggressively…

“Be each others ‘ego keeper.’ You are to defend and stand by your partner, and not talk or complain about them to others. You need to defend and stand up for each other.” (Hayley)

“Defense is when we come to the rescue of our partner. No matter who it is, we shouldn’t allow anyone to speak negatively to or about our partner, even if it happens to be our own family. We have to show others we will not tolerate any disrespect toward our life partners. Does your partner know that you will support them even when it’s not a popular choice with the family or friends? Real security arrives in a relationship when we know we have a partner that will come to our defense.” (Shelley Zenteno)

“Love is a commitment to protecting another person’s heart with the same passion you use to guard your own.” (Rob Hill Sr.)

“If you actually (like really) listen to what your partner is upset about without ego, you might find that they’re right. The things our partners get upset about are often our ignorance, not malice, and self-reflection can help see that.” (Dominic Preston)

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson