Grateful Heart Monday

Welcome to another Grateful Heart Monday, where I look to express a slice of gratitude from my life to start each of my weeks off with, which for today is for what two clients told me at a local addiction residential treatment program I do monthly presentations at.

I have been thanked by many people over the years after I finish my addiction to recovery presentation. Most come in the form of hugs and warm greetings, many with tears in their eyes, as they usually say nothing more than “Thank you.” I’ve always given credit to God for it and the ability to speak and tell my story with such loquaciousness. It’s become obvious God gave me a gift to move so many people just in humbling myself and telling my life story. But in my most recent monthly speaking engagement at this residential treatment program, a gentleman approached me as I was getting ready to leave who in tears said that he was about to check himself out of the program that day from sheer frustration and a desire to go use drugs again, but something told him to stay that day and after hearing my story, he knew why and said he felt God through my words for the very first time. When I hear things like this, it’s a strong reminder that I am on the right path, doing the right thing, for God himself. After all, I consider myself only a vessel for a greater purpose in each of my addiction to recovery presentations. As for the other individual I mentioned, a gentleman there also asked to walk me to the door as I left, and as we did, in full eye contact, he said I was his angel today, and how blown away he was at the presence of God he felt in the room. I had no words to say but, “Thank you God!”

Doing this 12 Step recovery work I do is humbling on countless levels, but there are a number of moments, like recently at my own Phi Kappa Psi chapter where I also told my story or this local residential treatment program where I did the same, where the Spirit flowed through me with such intensity, that even though I was retelling it for the umpteenth time, it came out in such a way that moved many in the room to tears, where God seeds got planted that will sprout one day, a day where  unconditional love will most assuredly arise within each of these individuals, making me very grateful indeed.

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, is just one of those ways...

2 thoughts on “Grateful Heart Monday”

  1. Hi Andrew, this is so wonderful to hear! Using your gifts to help others is your phoenix from former ashes. Just beautiful.

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