“The Shack”, A Book About Finding One’s Way Back To God

It’s interesting how things come into my life when I’m ready for them. I say this because many years ago, I was recommended by a number of people to read a book titled The Shack. But knowing it was hyper-geared towards Christianity and given I still had some serious reservations with Jesus and the Christian religion, I constantly avoided doing so.

That all started to change a few months ago though when I reconfirmed my life with Christ and began asking for guidance and direction from Him on a daily basis. And wouldn’t you know, the suggestion of reading this book came up again not too long after this, except this time, I actually did.

The Shack is a novel by Canadian author William P. Young and is about a man named Mack who loses one of his five children to a serial killer during a family camping trip. In the process, he also loses his faith in God as well. But when a note appears in a bizarre way in Mack’s mailbox one day from “Papa”, whom he often referred to God as, inviting him to come to the shack where his daughter was actually murdered, Mack sets out to prove whether the note is real or not. The rest of the story is all about Mack’s difficult journey back to a life of faith in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

What I loved best about this book is how hard it was to tell whether it was fiction or non-fiction. Young did a superb job writing a novel that truly made me wonder if the events of the story were actually real or not. Regardless, as I read each of its pages, it was so convincing that I too felt as I was on my own spiritual journey back to a life of faith, which indeed I honestly was and still am.

So if you happen to be someone who might have lost your faith in God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit for whatever the reason, like I myself did for a good long while, I encourage you to read The Shack, as you might just find it leading you back into the Light, just like it did for me.

Peace, love, light, and Joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson