Question For The Day

Today’s question is…

What is something in your life that you always wanted or sought after but never have gotten or found as of yet?

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep

Question For The Day

Today’s question is…

Name a movie you’ve seen that portrayed real tragic historical events from our country’s past that disturbed you so greatly because of how real it felt?

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep

Question For The Day

Today’s question is…

Which of the following actions do you identify the most with doing when you aren’t feeling loved:

1. You verbalize great anger over it.
2. You shut down and isolate over it.
3. You become more controlling to try to get more of it.
4. You offer greater and greater love hoping one day to get more of it back.
5. You’ve totally given up on ever feeling loved and don’t try anymore to get it.
6. You always feel loved 100% of the time in this world, so this question doesn’t apply to you.

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep TheTwelfthStep