Just A Couple Of Affirmations To Help Combat Any Self-Deprecating Thoughts And Fears…

There is one area I’m relatively weak in when it comes to all the suffering I continue to go through in life and that’s not letting my mind overwhelm me with self-deprecating thoughts. Sadly, it’s quite easy to do, especially on those days when I’m really hurting and the world feels totally upside down. Self-deprecation usually begins with me living in fear and worry and the more I engage in it, the more I seem to lose sight of my faith in God. Thankfully, I’ve found the power of affirmations can help to combat this.

I absolutely believe that doing daily affirmations holds much power in helping a person to heal, positively change, and spiritually grow in life. While I have my regular set of affirmations that I do each day in one sitting and have been for quite some time, there have been a few others I’ve begun to use throughout my day just to keep me going when I start getting overly critical of myself with where I’m at in life.

I found the first of these affirmations in one of my daily devotional readings and it really stuck with me because of its ability to be used when experiencing any type of suffering. It goes as follows:

“Even if (state the condition of the suffering), I still believe.”

Pretty simple right? So now, when I find myself getting excessively critical about any one of my health issues that’s arisen and causing me fear, I just insert it in and continue to say it until I feel better.

The other affirmation I’d like to share was discovered a few weeks ago at the spiritual center I’ve been attending on Sunday mornings. There was a very charismatic sermon that took place that day, which really touched my heart and one thing I took away from it was something that was repeated a number of times throughout. It went as follows:

“This isn’t my story, I’m moving on to Higher Ground!”

 I have found this affirmation to feel extremely powerful any time I say it. It seems to help shift my thinking rather rapidly from any state of self-deprecation and fear to one of faith.

Ultimately, it’s my faith that has kept me going thus far through such an incredible amount of suffering, so if a couple of affirmations can help keep me on the path of faith and combat any self-deprecating thoughts and fears, I’m all for it. And I pray you may find some benefit in utilizing them on your spiritual journey as well…

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

A Simple Mantra To Help One Feel They Are Attractive

I believe it’s an unconditionally loving action for each of us to be able to look in the mirror and say we are an attractive person, especially because I think in God’s eyes we all are. Unfortunately, many of us frequently struggle believing that due to our own reasons, like I do because of my body dysmorphia and hypochondria.

Body dysmorphia is a mental condition in which a person becomes overly preoccupied with an imagined physical defect or a real defect that others generally cannot see. Thus, in my case, small blemishes such as pimples, scars, sun spots, etc. appear to be huge, my weight appears to be either overly skinny or overly heavy, or my bodily features (like my nose) appear grossly out of proportion to the rest of me.

Hypochondria is another mental condition in which a person deals with heightened fears about having a grave medical illness over sensations they have within or things they see on the outside of themselves. Thus, any internal aches and pains tend to cause me to think I have some type of disease growing within me. And whenever I see new things pop up on my skin, especially red in nature, I think I have some type of skin condition that’s going to spread all over me.

With both of these mental conditions being active within me at the present time, it makes it extremely difficult to see myself as attractive on any level. Instead, I tend to see a worn-down and tired-looking person who’s covered with signs of being far older than my actual age anytime I look at myself.

While I’ve been working on removing these mental conditions through holistic means, prayer, meditation, and therapy, it was suggested I add another mantra (affirmation) to the many I already utilize on a daily basis.

In this case though, instead of saying it along with the other mantras I repeat in a single sitting each day, I’ve decided I’m going to verbalize this one every time I find myself looking at myself in any way with disdain about my appearance or how I feel inside.

As with all mantras, the use of them will help to manifest a desired change, like I know it will with this simple one I’m sharing with all of you here. But please remember, this isn’t an overnight process, it takes time and daily repetition…

I am attractive, no matter how I look on the outside or feel on the inside.

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

A Mantra For Unconditional Love And Full Acceptance With Life

A few weeks ago I wrote about an issue that I’ve had for much of my adult life with vanity (https://thetwelfthstep.com/2015/06/01/the-red-spot-and-my-vanity/). I realized though in the past few weeks since then that this problem goes a little deeper because I often find myself looking at not only my own outer flaws and imperfections, but also everyone else’s as well. While I may not outwardly comment on when I see them in someone else, I do still dwell on them quite a bit in my thoughts. Even further, I’ve recognized I do the exact same behavior with other things as well, such as when my lawn or gardens aren’t perfectly manicured because there are bald spots in the grass or plants that aren’t flowering. I understand now that this is programming I learned long ago from my parents, most notably my mother, and it’s something I feel no longer works for me in my life. In fact, it stresses me out more than not anytime I replay that programming. This is specifically why I’m adding the following mantra (affirmation) to my daily list, as then it begins the process of deprogramming my brain from doing a pattern of behavior that I find is truly working against my spiritual growth.

“I unconditionally love and fully accept everyone and everything in all their flaws and imperfections, including myself.”

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson