Thought For The Day

“While fellowshipping with others is an important part of life, it’s also equally as important to be alone and experience the freedom that comes from that solitude. As it’s in each of those moments where one becomes most able to distinguish their own Inner Voice from the rest of the voices in this world and it’s also where one is more apt to hear their Higher Power’s voice as well. And the more one begins to hear each of those, the more they will remember who they really are and why they are truly here…” (Andrew Arthur Dawson)

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Thought For The Day

“What does an addict look like? Their whole life and thinking are centered around some type of substance, whether that’s a person, place, or thing. Their minds are primarily focused on getting it, using it, and finding ways and means to get more of it. They truly live their lives to use it and frankly, used to live life, but no longer do. Quite simply, they are any man or woman whose life is  controlled by this substance and are in the grips of a continuing and progressive illness whose end is always the same: jails, institutions, or death.” (Compiled From A Number Of Various Addiction Recovery Resources)

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson