“Gifted”, A Very Moving Child Prodigy Film

While many may only be able to think of Chris Evans as the star-spangled superhero named Captain America, seeing how he’s played that role in seven films over the past six years, he has also acted in a number of other movies as well, some quite good in fact, one of which being “Gifted”, which I just caught a screening of recently in the theater.

“Gifted” is about man named Frank Adler (Chris Evans) who has solely been raising his deceased sister’s daughter Mary (Mckenna Grace), ever since her mother committed suicide. Mary is exceptionally intelligent, showing a brilliance well beyond collegiate levels at only 7 years old, especially in the area of mathematics. But, Frank feels she needs to be more like girls her own age, instead of spending all her time focusing on complex mathematical equations and hanging out with their adult neighbor Roberta (Octavia Spencer). So, he opts to send her off to public school in the hopes she finds that, but it becomes immediately apparent once there that Mary is bored, unchallenged, and has no desire to remain there. When her teacher Bonnie (Jenny Slate) notices this, and begins to see Mary’s arithmetic gifts emerge during their normal classwork, she quickly brings it to the attention of Frank and the school’s Principal, Gloria Davis (Elizabeth Marvel). Frank becomes adamant when they both suggest that Mary attend a school for gifted children and says Mary is just fine being right where she is. That answer doesn’t go over so well with Principal Davis though, who ends up getting in contact with Mary’s grandmother, Evelyn (Lindsay Duncan), as it’s her hope that Evelyn might be able to change Frank’s mind. Unfortunately, Evelyn is the very person Frank has been trying to keep out of Mary’s life and as soon as she swoops in, it becomes pretty obvious why, as her only desire is to see Mary develop her mathematical gifts. But when Frank refuses to compromise with Evelyn, she decides to take him to court for parental rights, thus drawing Mary into a fierce custody battle where the victor will either be Mary remaining the child Frank desires to continue taking care of or the prodigy Evelyn wishes to groom Mary into.

Overall, I really enjoyed this film a lot. I laughed, cried, and felt my heart move more than not throughout the entire running time and almost wished it didn’t have to end when the credits finally rolled. I’ve seen a number of child prodigy films over the years, none of which tugged at my heart-strings as much as this one did. Why that is has a lot to do with the incredible acting of both Chris Evans and Mckenna Grace. It was very refreshing to see how far Chris Evans has come in his acting abilities, as I clearly remember watching him in one of his first starring roles way back in 2001, where he played a totally goofy teenager in a spoof-based film titled “Not Another Teen Movie”. As for Grace, an eleven-year old actress who already has over forty acting credits to her name, she played the conflicted and genius seven-year-old so well that if “Gifted” had been released during awards season, there’s a good chance she would have been nominated for her role.

Nevertheless, while I may not be a genius on any level nor ever have been, and while I may not have ever gone through a custody battle either, I definitely could relate to the material of this movie, especially the family dynamics of Frank, Mary, and Evelyn. On some level, Evelyn was a lot like my mother, as she constantly drove me to overachieve in everything I did. My father on the other hand, was a lot like Frank, and seemed to always stress the importance of being of kid, even as an adult.

So maybe that’s why my heart moved as much as it did while watching “Gifted” and because of that, I highly recommend seeing it and give the film my best rating of five stars.

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Learning To Respect Another Type Of Boundary Through A Very Painful Lesson

Respecting other people’s boundaries is something I’ve worked on quite a bit in my life over the past few years, but there’s another type of boundary I’m realizing I need to work on as well and it’s one I came face to face with recently through a very painful experience.

It happened a few months ago while I and my partner were out taking a sunset drive through a local state park named Crane Creek. There, we came across a number of people sitting alongside the park road near the beach, taking pictures and peering through binoculars. When we saw what they were looking at, two bald eagles sitting in a tree far off beyond a roped-in area, we opted to join them and did our best to enjoy the view. Unfortunately, we didn’t have anything to zoom in on them, which my ego then decided wasn’t acceptable at all. That’s when I noticed the roped off area didn’t continue onto the rocky shore next to the lake.

“Hmmm, maybe I could go walk down those rocks and come up from behind the tree where the bald eagles are perched and get a close-up picture on my phone that no one else is ever going to get?!”

 Yes, that indeed was the thought I had at that very moment and it’s one I’ve regretted ever since. Nevertheless, as I cut through the thicket that bordered the rocks and the lake and headed onto the first of those huge boulders I was about to embark upon, my intuition began nudging me, “Andrew, this isn’t a good idea, you really need to turn back…”

Alas, I didn’t, because my ego often has the tendency to push the limits of boundaries in life, solely to get what I want. So, I continued to proceed forward anyway, hopping from one boulder to the next, when…WHAM!

 Down I went, onto one of the large rocks, as my feet suddenly hit a patch of ice that hadn’t melted yet in the spring thaw off. My left hand awkwardly slamming into one of the boulders in the process, hyper-extending my ring finger grossly backwards. Now, two months later, I still have a bunch of pain in that finger in two different places and have definitely had to learn another very painful lesson in life because of it.

Like so many boundaries I used to cross with friends in the past, where I experienced many of them disappearing from my life because of it, here I faced something similar because I didn’t respect a boundary that was clearly established. A boundary that was not only for the safety and protection of the bald eagles, but also for myself.

Looking back, I really wished I had listened to my institution, which I ultimately believe was my Spirit attempting to gently let me know I was doing something that wasn’t in my highest good. Yet, all too often, I’ve ended up having to go down very painful roads in life, to learn lessons that my ego doesn’t think it needs to learn.

That’s why I’ve decided to respect any roped-off area the next time I come across one, even if my ego begs for a closer look, and even when it attempts to show me a potential exception might exist to the boundary itself. Because the fact is, boundaries are usually in place in life for pretty good reasons. So, hopefully I’ll choose to listen to my intuition the next time this arises and not my ego, as I really don’t need or want any more pain in life, especially any that is directly caused by my own ego-based actions…

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson