February’s Questions For You To Ponder

Well it’s that time again to post my monthly set of spiritual questions for each of you to ponder, except this time around, I decided to start including my own answers to each of them as well. So let me get right to it then, here are the questions:

  1. What place do you like to visit near you when you want to find a little slice of peace and serenity?
  2. What hobbies do you like to do that bring you joy?
  3. What was one thing you really liked to do as a kid that brought you great happiness and when was the last time you did it?
  4. Is meditation a regular part of your life, if so, what does it look like?
  5. What was the last book you read that truly uplifted you?
  6. If you had the ability to go back to school to learn something new, what would it be?
  7. Have you ever done a random act of kindness for a total stranger, if so, what was it?
  8. If you could spend an entire day with one famous person (alive or deceased) that you feel represents a spiritual person, who would it be with?
  9. What spiritual issue in this world would you most like to see fully resolved in your lifetime?
  10. If you had the resources to go live anywhere in this world right now, what place do you think you’d go to that would bring you happiness?

And as always, one more question for good measure…

  1. What person currently living most represents the kind of person you wish to become?

Here are my answers:

  1. Walking around the rock beds and along the water of the Maumee River in Maumee, Ohio.
  2. Doing puzzles, writing for my blog, and gardening.
  3. Playing miniature golf, late fall 2014 before it got too cold.
  4. Yes, 40 minutes either in the early morning or very late at night each day, breathing in for 10 seconds, holding 10 seconds, breathing out for 10 seconds, and holding 10 seconds.
  5. The Afterlife of Billy Fingers.
  6. Spanish
  7. Yes, bought coffees and other breakfast items for strangers at Starbucks, Bigby, and Dunkin Donuts.
  8. The original Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama.
  9. Full acceptance and equality for gays and lesbians.
  10. Tampa, Florida and preferably waterfront.
  11. The Dalai Lama.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

January’s Questions For You To Ponder

It’s been awhile since I last posed an entry with a bunch of spiritual questions for each to ponder. Given that I’ve been in quite the introspective and philosophical mood as of late, I felt today might be a good day to do this exercise again. I also decided from this point forward to repeat this exercise once a month, as it seems to stimulate great discussions each time I do. I hope each of you will take a moment to answer them and maybe even share a few of your responses back with me…

1.  What song(s) have stirred your heart to greater unconditional love when you’ve heard them?

2.  Which movie(s) have moved your heart to greater unconditional love when you’ve watched them?

3.  If you could communicate to one deceased person for only a few minutes, what would you say?

4.  If you could spend one more day with a deceased person, whom would it be with?

5.  If you could change one thing in your past, would you, and if so, what would it be?

6.  If you could ensure one thing would happen in your future, would you, and if so, what would it be?

7.  If you could find out the exact details of when and how you will die, would you?

8.  If you knew the exact details of when and how the person closest to you would die, would you tell them?

9.  If you could own a profitable business that would help make the world a better place, what would it be?

10. If you could become best friends with one person  you’re not already best friends with, who would it be?

And one more question for good measure…

11. What is the one thing that always seems to unravel your peace and serenity in life most often?

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

10 More Questions For You To Ponder

We all ponder various philosophical questions in some fashion or another on almost every single day of our lives. Back in July of this year, I decided to capitalize on this very thing by posing 10 questions of my own for each of you to think about. Because I was told on more than one occasion how they generated good spiritual conversations, I’ve decided to do this exercise again with 10 more. I hope all of you will take a little bit of time to reflect on each of them and may your spirituality be blessed in the process…

1.  You are in a group of people where one of them is making severely racist jokes or comments. What do you do?

2.  If you knew you only had one day left to live, how would you spend it?

3.  If you were suddenly given one million dollars tax free, what would you do with it?

4.  If you had the ability to change one aspect of the entire world all at once, what would it be?

5.  Where would you say the majority of your happiness is coming from these days?

6.  You’re having lunch with several people whom you love and cherish when they abruptly all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing that person  is your friend. What do you do?

7.  If you could effectively communicate one piece of advice to all newborn children in the world where it would change each of their lives forever, what would it be?

8.  If you had to be stranded on an island with one and only one person for the rest of your life, who would you want it to be?

9.  If you could instantly change one and only thing about yourself permanently, what would it be?

10.  If you could instantly change one and only one thing about your closest friend, spouse, or significant other permanently, what would it be?

And here’s one more for good measure:

11.  What three things are you the most grateful for at this very moment?

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson