Question To Ponder For The Day

If you HAD to pick between one of the following options, which would you choose?

  1. Having perfect health for the rest of your life, but rarely feeling a deep connection to your Higher Power.
  2. Having to deal with difficult health issues for many years, but through that eventually being able to experience the deepest connection you’ve ever felt to your Higher Power.

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Why Are People Relying More On Medications To Deal With Any Sort Of Ache Or Pain These Days?

I’m beginning to think that human beings are no longer wanting to feel any sort of ache or pain whatsoever and instead are starting to rely more and more on medications to either fix their life or keep it going in the direction they want without interruption.

Why I say that is simply from observation. Case in point, I spoke with a friend of mine recently, who’s also a primary care doctor. They told me that more and more people are coming in these days, seeking some sort of a medication to take care of even the slightest ache or pain and gave me an example of one patient who came in with their shoulder being slightly sore. When my doctor friend asked them how long they had been dealing with it, they said it had been less than a day and just didn’t want to deal with it anymore, when in reality, it healed itself in a few days’ time with just a little trust and a little rest.

So, if people really are moving more away from trusting in their body’s natural healing processes for aches and pains and instead are trusting more on a medication a doctor prescribes them to deal with them, why is this trend happening? Well, I have two ideas.

One, is that I believe people don’t have time to feel pain anymore and have become far more impatient nowadays. Schedules are crammed with one thing after another, hardly anyone seems to take time to be still, and the sayings “I’ve got places to see and things to do” and “Time is money” are more of a reality now than ever. The truth is our society is incredibly sped up more so these days than in days past when people took a lot more time to have rest and relaxation. Thus, in light of that, having to deal with any sort of ache or pain that might slow that hurried and busy pace down, even in the slightest, is contrary to what the ego has become accustomed to. Hence, medication becomes the solution to handle any of those aches and pains, even when those aches and pains may simply be the body’s way of telling someone they need to slow down a little and have some of that rest and relaxation.

My other notion as to why medication is being sought more and more these days for any sort of ache or pain deals with a principle that I’ve become quite adamant about. I don’t see a lot of individuals anymore wanting to face the things that are truly broken within themselves. What I mean by that is all the stuff that one has experienced in their lives that wasn’t pleasant. Things such as tragic deaths, war-time experiences, bad break-ups, abandonment, abuse, etc. I see it all the time at the local place I volunteer at once a week where I put on a recovery meeting for patients in crisis. There, I hear story after story that ranges from sexual abuse to PTSD from individuals who tell me they’re only there to get some sort of a medication to balance themselves out and aren’t really open to facing what actually may be causing their mental and emotional imbalances in the first place. Trust me I get it, who wants to feel pain like that. But, the reality is that there isn’t a single medication out there in this world that can keep any type of past trauma down. That type of painful energy always finds a way to resurface again and again until one finally chooses to walk through the fear by facing it head on. Sadly though, many would rather switch from medication to medication for the rest of their lives, constantly pushing those past painful experiences down, rather than work through them once and for all.

How I came up with these ideas as to why people are choosing medications for most aches and pains these days is because I’ve lived through both of them. I opted for medications years ago when I didn’t want my fast-paced life to slow down one bit. And I opted for medications as well when I didn’t want to face the pain from my traumatic childhood experiences or the tragic deaths of my parents. To my ego, it was just too painful, so I sided with it and the concept that God created doctors and medications to deal with these things.

Unfortunately, that choice hurt me in the long run, as eventually, it all caught up with me in a lot more aches and pains than I could ever have imagined and caused me to lose faith in my body’s natural ability to heal itself by instead relying more upon science and medicine. And that’s what I’m currently working on unravelling day in and day out for the past bunch of years. Trust me, it’s not fun facing all this at 45 years old. Yet, even through all the aches and pains I’m facing without any sort of medication, I still feel this is indeed what is for my Highest greatest good.

You see, I never wanted to feel much of anything up until only a short number of years ago and really just wanted to keep my life going at blazing speeds to achieve my own ego’s goals and desires. But I think the Universe had greater plans for me that involved the need for me to work through all those things I avoided for so long. And to do that called for the need to live on a path where I feel and face all those aches and pains, rather than trying to avoid them through one medication after another.

While I’m not opposed to taking medications when it truly becomes necessary, like if I was in an accident or had some type of medical emergency, I believe that my body is far more capable to fix the majority of my aches and pains than I used to give it credit. But I think it comes down to slowing down a lot more in life and working through all my past painful traumas head-on like I have been, instead of looking for some sort of a pill to be my daily miracle cure like I used to believe was necessary for survival in this world…

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Thought For The Day

Quote #1

“Selfishness is the greatest curse of the human race.” (William E. Gladstone)

Quote #2

“Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live. (Oscar Wilde)

Quote #3

“A selfish person can only see the faults of others and are usually color blind to seeing their own. (Andrew Arthur Dawson)

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson