“I Wish I Could…”

Knock knock.

Who’s there?


Cows who?

Cows go “moo!” not “who” silly, get it right! J

Ok, if you haven’t figured it out already, it’s me Andy writing this today. Yeah! Hopefully all of you reading this don’t mind me writing on here once a week because I really like doing it. But if you don’t, then I’m rubber and you’re glue, and whatever you think of my writing just bounces off of me and will stick to you! LOL!

Anyways, today I decided to write a little something on the topic of wishing. You see I love wishing and most kids like me usually do as well. Somewhere along the line though all you adults out there seem to forget doing kids things like this. Heck, Andrew did for the longest time, but I’m happy to say he’s getting a lot better these days, even though he’s still a fartwad sometimes. J Well before I get in trouble let me share with you what I wanted to today and that’s titled “I Wish I Could…”

I wish I could make people tell me the exact truth when I ask them any question, no matter what that question ever is.

I wish I could make everyone be nice to each other all the time, especially when they’re driving as all that road rage kind of scares me.

I wish I could be some type of a sea creature that could swim to the deepest parts of the ocean floor just to see what is down there.

I wish I could permanently eliminate meatloaf from every lunch and dinner menu on the planet because you all know already what I really think about it. (Yes, even yours Caryn… LOL J)

I wish I could make everyone spend at least an hour a day having fun with their inner child, as it’s truly an important key for everyone’s happiness.

I wish I could create a universal translator that would help me communicate with anyone in this world because not knowing someone’s language can be such a barrier sometimes.

I wish I could make every public bathroom be a private stall because I find it really creepy when someone has to pee next to me.

I wish I could have a magical object that could allow me to pass through any television or movie screen and suddenly be transported into whatever I was watching.

I wish I could play a few more games of Gin Rummy with my mother because that’s when I always felt the closest to her.

I wish I could take one more hike with my father up a really large mountain and have a picnic lunch with him at the top because that’s when I always felt the closest to him.


I wish I could convince Andrew Arthur Dawson to go a lot easier on himself and not take things so seriously because I think he’d feel a lot better if he did.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, www.thetwelfthstep.com is just one of those ways...

2 thoughts on ““I Wish I Could…””

  1. Hey, Andy –

    – I appreciate your wanting to hear the truth when you ask a question. You’ll learn after a while that truth is much more welcome when it is not just the naked truth.

    I’m right with you on the be-nice and road rage thoughts.

    The bottom-of-the-sea thing? My dad designed electrical motors for the bathyscaph “Trieste.” It is the only publicly acknowledged submarine that traveled to the bottom of the Marianas Trench, 7 miles deep. Google it – it’s a fascinating story.

    I liked meatloaf much less as a kid. My mom made awful meatloaf. There’s some of it that can be quite good.

    About that universal translator – check out the story of the Babel Fish in the original Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Not the movie, but the original BBC radio plays. Not a happy ending.

    Every male on the planet feels the same way you do about public urinals.

    I’m not sure I had a place where I felt close to my father – other than when we played ping pong. But I know my mom’s close by whenever I eat lobster or crab.

    And you’re absolutely right about br’er Dawson – rule 62 would be help him a lot in his spiritual quests. We’ll work on that with him.

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