August’s Questions For You To Ponder

Well we’re about to enter the month of September (man where did the summer go?) and you know what that means. I haven’t done the monthly spiritual questions for everyone to ponder yet. 🙂 So here they are. I hope each of you will take the time to mull them over and maybe even share a few of your responses after you have. And as always, my own answers are listed below as you normally handle when someone cuts you off while driving?

  1. What do you love the most about yourself?
  2. What is your favorite thing to do that helps you feel young again?
  3. What would you say is something you do regularly that could potentially be an addiction?
  4. What is the biggest thing you keep putting off in life?
  5. If you had to get a tattoo and it had to be a spiritual slogan, what would it say?
  6. Name one thing that bothers you the most when you see it in someone else?
  7. What is the number one quality you look for the most when making friends with someone new?
  8. If hell existed here on earth, what would that look like to you?
  9. If you had to wear a shirt with a message on it every single day for an entire year, what would it say?

And one more for good measure as always:

  1. What aspect of yourself are you working on changing the most right now in your life?

My answers:

  1. I pray for them by immediately sending them love, forgiveness, peace, and floodlight.
  2. My determination to complete anything I start no matter how long it takes or how hard it is.
  3. In a good physical state, going on rollercoasters. Currently, making faces and weird noises and needling people in their sides.
  4. If you count trying to find more and more ways to serve God, then I guess that’s one. Ok well maybe going to the movies once or twice a week counts as well.
  5. Writing a book about my life. (I’m still waiting for my health to get a lot better before I begin doing that.)
  6. “Be Still…”
  7. Someone gloating about all the cool things they’re doing in life.
  8. Someone who puts their needs, wants, and desires second to those their with.
  9. I’m currently living in it with all my chronic pain.
  10. “Love God, Love yourself, and Love everyone else too ok?”
  11. Trusting myself and trusting God a lot more than I used to.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, is just one of those ways...

2 thoughts on “August’s Questions For You To Ponder”

  1. 1.What do you love the most about yourself?
    I would say my ability to bounce like Tigger
    2.What is your favorite thing to do that helps you feel young again?
    Playing in the rain
    3.What would you say is something you do regularly that could potentially be an addiction?
    4.What is the biggest thing you keep putting off in life?
    Doing what I truly want to be doing
    5.If you had to get a tattoo and it had to be a spiritual slogan, what would it say?
    Define spiritual. “Shaken Not Deterred”
    6.Name one thing that bothers you the most when you see it in someone else?
    Being close minded and ignorant.
    7.What is the number one quality you look for the most when making friends with someone new?
    Their ability to BOUNCE with me!!
    8.If hell existed here on earth, what would that look like to you?
    If?? You know my belief is that heaven and hell are created right here on earth. With that said “Hell” to me is the fear and hatred amongst the peoples of this earth. Children are starving to death and we care more about a Kardashian….Hell is here
    9.If you had to wear a shirt with a message on it every single day for an entire year, what would it say?
    “What other people think of me is none of my business”

    And one more for good measure as always:
    11.What aspect of yourself are you working on changing the most right now in your life?
    Letting FEAR rule my life…time is too precious to let slip away

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