Daily Reflection

“The more anger and resentment one carries around their heart, the less capable their heart becomes of truly loving anyone or anything unconditionally.” (Unknown)

 My partner has been going through a very rough time in life over the past few years. Unemployment, estranged family, the constant strain from the health issues I continue to face, and a number of other things from both his past and the present has caused him to become a lot more angry and resentful in life. Thankfully, he’s starting to realize that all that anger and resentment is poison to his heart, only making it more and more hardened the longer he carries it around. He’s also beginning to see how difficult it is to be comforting, compassionate, and loving to those he’s around. The reality for me though, with my own spiritual journey, is how much I can actually relate to this.

I used to live with such a level of anger and resentment that I felt the need to constantly point out what was wrong in the world. There were always bad drivers driving, governments doing terrible jobs governing, co-workers working lazily and being ignorant, employees at stores doing poor jobs in their employment, neighbors slacking off from their neighborhood duties, bosses doing terrible jobs at bossing, weather weathering my moods, friends not being friendly enough, doctors not doctoring me thorough enough, and well, I’m sure you get the point. The fact is, I walked around with so much anger and resentment that it made it virtually impossible to be comforting to those who needed comfort, compassionate to those who needed compassion, and loving to those who needed love. Instead, I became self-absorbed and carried all that poison around every day until it finally left me alone with nothing but a hardened heart. That’s why I’m grateful I work hard these days to not hold onto any anger or resentment, to always forgive, even when my ego doesn’t want to, and to unconditionally love, even when faced with hate.

So, it’s my hope that my partner will continue on the path he’s on now, one to become free of all his own anger and resentments, as I know in doing so, it will not only strengthen our relationship in God’s love, it will also do the same for anyone or anything else that ever walks with him on part of his journey in life as well.

I pray to release all anger and resentment from within me and to forgive all those I may hold any of that towards as I do. And I pray that what remains behind after all that is gone is nothing but an open and loving heart for everyone and everything.

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, www.thetwelfthstep.com is just one of those ways...

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