Thought For The Day

“As a monk, I had undergone an initiation when I entered the monastery nineteen years before. I found the initiation experience of the New Warrior Training Adventure (of The ManKind Project (MKP)) to be an explosive re-discovery of myself and my mission as a man, a Roman Catholic Christian, a Benedictine monk and a priest.” (F.P.S.)


“Throughout the years as a mental health clinician I have heard and read great stories about men attending the New Warrior Training and benefiting from MKP initiatives. Once more, I recently saw the life-transforming signs of a male client of mine who finally decided to take on the risk, face his fears head on, attend a NWTA weekend, and start feeling again. It is thanks to weekends like these that “guys” take the first steps to become “new and better men” with their children, with women, and with other men. MKP is doing great work!” (Juan Carlos Silva, PhD)


“MKP has created a space for me to look at all parts of myself, to see what’s working and not working in my life, and to connect with a powerful, healthy circle of men whom I trust and love.” (Greg Gondron)

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson