Welcome to another Grateful Heart Monday, where gratitude gets expressed at the beginning of every week, which for today is for a good Samaritan at a local Starbucks who found something I left behind by accident recently that actually made its way back to me.
There are many times I’ve lost plenty of things that had meaning to me somewhere along the way of life. Jackets, wallets, crystals, precious stones, necklaces, and the like, countless things have found their way out of my life and into the lives of others who never return them. I often label each of those incidents when they occur as either the person who took them really needed it, or it was some lesson I needed to learn. Rarely though, has any expensive item I’ve lost made its way back to me, that is until I got a phone call the other day from a barista at this local Starbucks I frequent on most days.
When Will called and got my voicemail, he wondered if I had lost my headphones, as a customer had found a set of headphones intact in their case nearby where I had been sitting earlier that day, I didn’t think much of it and thought it must just be someone else’s who was sitting nearby because I always check my backpack for all my possessions before I leave any public place I bring it into it. Yet, when I checked the pocket within it where they normally sit, sure enough they weren’t there. I immediately called Will who grabbed case and opened it up for me. Sure enough they were my Sony noise-cancelling set, something that I only recently purchased because my other set had finally broke and trust me, this new pair wasn’t cheap.
When I went the next day to the Starbucks to retrieve them, one of the employees there said I was lucky as their store had the tendency for things to be stolen. I was very thankful indeed, especially upon hearing that. While a set of headphones might not be a big deal to another, they were to me, only in that I don’t have much in the way of valuable possessions anymore.
So, I don’t know who this good Samaritan is and will never know. But I most assuredly have much gratitude for them, for my friend Will knowing to call me, and for all those out there who find things like this from time to time, where instead of thinking how lucky they are for getting something expensive for nothing, they listen to their heart and soul and do the right thing…
Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson