Daily Reflection

“There is a voice from within. It speaks softly and is always trying to help us. We just need to slow down a little more in life to hear it more clearly…” (Unknown)

Have you ever had a gut feeling prior to doing something, but not listened to it and then suffered because of it? Just the other day I was running the self-clean option on the oven in my home when I suddenly remembered about thirty minutes into it’s cycle that I left a ceramic dish on top of it. I quickly ran over to move it when I heard a small voice within tell me it’s going to be very hot so be careful. I wasn’t though and instead I ignored that voice and grabbed it rather abruptly. Two seconds later I threw it down on the counter, as I yelped in utter pain. A day later I had a good reminder to listen to that small voice the next time it comes, all in the form of a huge white burn blister on my right index finger. I’m sure most would say that whenever we hear this small voice within, it’s really just our intuition speaking, but I’m quite convinced it’s something more. I actually believe it’s our spirit trying to communicate to us, except most often we are moving too fast in life to hear it clearly. Although I did receive a painful reminder of this in the form of a pretty serious burn, I was grateful I received the lesson nonetheless. And hopefully the next time I’ll listen to that small voice, so that the lesson won’t have to be so painful. 🙂

I pray I slow down a little more throughout my days and start listening to that small voice within, as I know it’s my spirit just trying to help me on my journey in life.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Daily Reflection

“A significant milestone in life is achieved when you learn to be your own best friend.” (Jeffrey Benjamin)

I used to have every minute of the day planned. In fact, I kept myself so busy that I rarely left any free time to spend with myself. But that was precisely why I did that, because I never really liked hanging out much with myself, especially in silence. Unfortunately, not only did that prevent me from becoming my own best friend, it also prevented me from growing closer to my Higher Power. Thankfully I’ve spent plenty of time in recent years in solitude because in doing so, I’ve actually learned to like being alone a lot more than having to always be around others. But even better, I’ve developed a much stronger relationship with my Higher Power as well. I’m extremely grateful for this because it seems as if there’s been a serious lack of close friends in my life these days. Yet, I find myself being ok with it because I truly am enjoying hanging out with myself alone these days, as it’s in each of those moments when I have where I continue to learn to love myself and my Higher Power even greater.

The two best friends I can ever have in life are my Higher Power and myself. I pray I will always take some time out of each of my remaining days to spend alone with both, as I know how crucial that is to never forgetting this.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Daily Reflection

Anger is never without a reason, but seldom with a good one.” (Benjamin Franklin)

My neighbors always seem to be screaming and shouting at their children when they aren’t doing what they want them to be doing. Sometimes I can even hear them through the walls of their houses disciplining their kids with extreme anger when I’m outside doing yard work. Unfortunately, what they don’t realize is how much damage this is only going to cause their offspring the more they continue to use anger in this way. I myself went through the very same thing in the household I grew up in. Everyone was constantly shrieking and yelling to get their point across, but all that did was make them and everyone else miserable. Sadly, when I got older I became the exact same way, consistently using anger as a way to take control of so many things when they didn’t meet my ego’s expectations. Thankfully though, I eventually learned over time that anger doesn’t solve anything. It only scares many people into submission while leaving me feeling unsettled and spiritually imbalanced in the process. This is why I try to never use anger in any of my communications with others these days because I know the outcome of it will never be healthy in the long run, not for me, and not for them.

I pray that I may always find a way to peacefully communicate with everyone without ever having to resort to using anger to get my point across.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson