Mantra For The Day – To Improve Your Health

I always heard that the power of positive thinking is important for a healthy mind, body, and soul. When I began developing chronic pain issues back in 2010, I struggled with being able to do that. Instead, I was constantly frustrated and had an extremely hard time not being negative about the state of my health. All that did was make my condition and my symptoms much worse. One of the things that I started utilizing to correct this was the use of a mantra. It was geared solely to improve my health and it’s actually been working. I know I am much healthier today because of it. If you are struggling with any health issue, I encourage you to start using the following mantra daily, as I know it will help your health to improve in the long run.

“I am completely healthy and well, and I am fully healed from any ailment I have ever felt or had.”

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Mantra For The Day – For Releasing Anger And Resentments

One of the greatest poisons to a person’s mind, a body, and a soul is to hold onto any anger or resentments. I spent years harboring ill will towards my parents, towards the bullies from my grammar school days, towards the man who molested me, towards bosses from various jobs, towards various friends and people I dated, towards stranger who crossed my path, and even towards God. All that did was make me incredibly sick on far too many levels. One of the things that helped me to release all of that poison and heal has been to say a daily mantra that’s geared towards doing it. If you are prone to being an angry or resentment person, your current state of health may soon be, or is already quite possibly, suffering greatly because of it. You may want to start using the following daily mantra, as I know it will help you, like it has me, to become free of all of those unhealthy toxins, once and for all.

“I am free of anger and resentments in every area of my life, and I sent love, forgiveness, and peace to anyone who has ever hurt me.”

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Mantra For The Day- On Forgiving Yourself

I believe that just about every one of us in this world has does something at some point or another that hurt someone else tremendously, whether it was directly or indirectly. In my case, I lost count of the number of times I did this during my addiction-prone years. When I finally reached a stage of spiritual healing where I let all of my addictions go, I became willing to truly forgive myself of all those things. You’d be surprised how many people struggle with this action. Some spend a lifetime carrying guilt and shame over what they’ve done as a badge of courage. If you are wanting to let go of all of that and reach a greater sense of peace within, try using this mantra as it has helped me immensely to be free of it all.

“I forgive myself of all the things I’ve done that weren’t of love and light, and send love, forgiveness, and peace, to everyone I’ve ever hurt.”

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson