A Prayer For Recovery From Addiction

June 10th, 1995 was a day where I most likely said my first selfless prayer ever to God. It was on that day where I asked God to help me end my alcohol and drug addiction for good. Eighteen years have now passed since then where I have been able to maintain continuous sobriety from both. Nowadays I pray regularly to God to help me remain free of all addictions and it’s working. I ardently believe that prayer is essential for recovery from any addiction, so I’ve included one specifically for this reason. If you are suffering from an addiction, it’s my hope that you may utilize this prayer to help guide you out of the darkness and into the light…

“Dear God, my addiction to _________ has been taking over my life. I can’t seem to stop doing it and all the walls seem to be closing in around me because of it. My life is starting to fall apart, but I know that You can put it back together much better than I ever could. God, I really don’t want to be addicted to anything anymore, especially this. I pray that You help me go through whatever I need to go through to be free of this addiction once and for all. I am open and willing to do whatever work is necessary, to get there. I only ask for Your help because I can’t do it on my own. All I truly want is to be a better person and I know that’s not possible as long as I’m living in this addiction. I’m told that all I have to do is ask for Your help and so I am God, please help me. Please help me to find true recovery from this addiction so that I may become a better and more loving person in life. I love you God. Amen.”

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

A Prayer For Saying Grace

I grew up saying a blessing before just about every family meal through most of my childhood. But as the years passed after I left home and went off to college, I slowly started moving away from regularly doing it. Until at some point I wasn’t doing it at all anymore. That all has changed in the past few years though with the amount of spiritual work I’ve been doing on myself. I’m so much more grateful now for what I have, especially with the food I consume, given that 870 million people in this world are currently starving. For this reason I say grace now at each and every meal and here is one that I hope you may try to use the next time you’re about to eat.

“Dear God, I thank You for this food and for all the abundance I have of it in my life. May You bless this food with Your love and light so that it’s nourishment will draw me closer to You. I’m very grateful to You that I am not going hungry in my life, but I know there are many out there who are. I ask that You guide me to doing my part in feeding those people. Please show me all the ways that I may offer my assistance to any of those who are currently starving. I send blessings out to each and every one of them and pray for the end of world hunger. Thank you again for this meal and all the nutrition it brings me. I love You God. Amen.”

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

A Prayer For Loneliness And Depression

Something that so many of us in this world have struggled with from time to time are the feelings of loneliness and depression. They are feelings that can affect someone even when they have notoriety in life. They are feelings that can affect someone even when they’re in an intimate loving relationship. They are feelings that can affect a person even when many friends surround them. And they are feelings that can affect a person especially when they have none of those things. Through much of my own life I have called upon God to help me during any time when I’ve had to endure those feelings. Because of this, I decided to share one of my prayers that can help if you are someone currently struggling with your own feelings of loneliness and depression.

“Dear God, I feel so lonely inside, even though I know that there are people in my life who truly care about me. I’m so tired of feeling depressed; yet I’m not even sure why I do. I know that I feel this way whether I’m surrounded by friends and loved ones or not. God, will you help me to face whatever it is within me that’s causing me to feel this way? And will you help me to work through whatever it is as it surfaces? All I really want is just to be truly happy. Please do all that’s necessary to remove from within me anything that’s standing in the way of that and causing me to feel the way I currently do. God, I’m grateful for all the help You end up sending me to achieve this. Amen.”

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson