A Prayer For A New Beginning

It was on April 23rd, 2012 when I finally made a decision to remove the last toxic person I had in my life. Up until that day, I had been keeping an individual in my life that had been perpetuating my addiction-prone life. I had realized that no level of the pains I felt would ever go away if I continued to keep people like this man in my life. I also realized that I would be holding on to some part of my self-will if I didn’t let him go. To live a spiritual life of love and light required me to take that action and so I did. But I also took one other action on that day. I wrote a prayer on the opening page of my Alcoholics Anonymous book that I use on just about every day of my life. I did this to solidify a new beginning and decided to share it with all of you in here today. May you feel my heart and soul in its words and know that a new beginning can begin at any point in time…

“God, You are the sole source of my happiness, my joy, and my everything. I know of nothing in this world that will bring me any of that unless you are at the center of it. Please God, fill me with Your purpose, center all of me with serving You, and show me the only path to eternal fulfillment. Lord, I love You and I thank you for giving me the strength each and every day to continuing forward. Please guide me and direct me to the healing that You see I need. Amen.”

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

A Prayer For Understanding

Has there ever been an individual in your life who you really didn’t like and you consistently struggled to figure out why? Put in another way, have you ever had a chip on your shoulder towards someone else who never really has done anything to hurt you? If you can answer yes to either one of these questions, it’s important for you to understand something. Sometimes the people we don’t like very much are actually just reflecting back to us some deep-seated fears, insecurities, or parts of our life that are spiritually unhealthy and need to be worked through.

I’ve often had circumstances like this arise with people throughout my life and the only solution I’ve found to working through any of them is to pray for understanding. If you should ever find yourself feeling angry, irritated, frustrated, or bothered by someone else, I encourage you to use the following prayer as I know it will help bring you greater clarity and healing to the situation.

“Dear God, I’m really struggling with _________________. I find myself getting irritated so easily when I see (him/her). I’m bothered by some of things (he/she) does and I really don’t know why. It’s definitely occupying my mind and energy and consuming me on some level. I know that’s not spiritually healthy for me and I’d like to be free from this burden. God, please help me to see if this person is just being a reflection for some area of my life that still needs to be worked through. Please help me to let whatever it is go once You reveal it to me. And please bless _______________ with all Your love, forgiveness, and peace too. Amen.”

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

A Prayer For Being Open To Change

There are quite a number of individuals in this world who have become rather resistant to change in many areas of their lives. I should know, as I was once someone who was against changing anything that put me outside my comfort zone. In fact, I was completely happy staying comfortably uncomfortable, even though I knew that change could be a good thing for me. But then I discovered along the way that if I wanted to walk on a spiritual path that it would require constant change. So I started praying to God to become more open to it and it’s helped me immensely. That being said, one of my sponsees in recovery motivated me today to write a prayer for him surrounding this very thing. So I hope all of you may utilize this prayer in your own lives and will remember one thing, that change really is a good thing!

“Dear God, I don’t want to be averse to changing any parts of my life, especially those that have been holding me back from becoming my greatest highest good. I know I have been stubborn and resistant to change, but I don’t want to be anymore. Please help me to overcome all of my fears and worries that have kept me from changing those obstinate parts of me. People say that change is a good thing, so I ask You for the strength to help me start seeing and believing that as well. I truly want to be open to change on every level and in every way throughout my life. Thank you God for all of the energy You send me to help me get there. Amen.”

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson