Andy’s Woodsy Adventure – Chapter 5

Q: What do you call a story about a broken pencil?

A: Pointless…

Hey y’all! It’s that time again. I hope y’all been anxiously awaiting Chapter 5! If y’all haven’t, then y’all are a bunch of big stick in the muds ok? LOL. By the way, I have no idea why I’m trying to talk like I’m from the south. Maybe it’s because Andrew says y’all sometimes when he talks. He likes to think he has some southern blood in him because he spent a good number of years living in Virginia. But truth be told, he’s a nerdy northerner born and raised. 🙂 Anyways, I’m sure y’all are saying let’s get on with it already, so here’s the next installment of my ongoing exciting adventure and as always, here’s the links to the previous chapters…

Andy’s Woodsy Adventure – Chapter 5

“Three years?” I said in disbelief. “This is ridiculous! I’ve only been gone since 1pm!!!” I said angrily.

“Please calm down Andy, obviously you’re in a bit of shock right now,” Mrs. Sampson said, trying to comfort me as best as she could.

“The police are on their way Mary,” said Mr. Sampson emerging suddenly from the kitchen.

“Andy why don’t you just sit down here and relax. Maybe you’d like something to drink?” said Mrs. Sampson. I knew she was just trying to help me not feel so scared, but it wasn’t working and it was obvious to me now that this wasn’t some elaborate joke either.

“I’m not thirsty! I just want to go to my room and lay down right now and yet you’re telling me this isn’t my home anymore. I’m so confused! I left here at 1pm to go play in the woods ma’am. My mom told me to be back by 5pm, but I lost track of time because of this cave and these numbers on the floor and a door that locked me in, and well…a bunch of other stuff that’s too hard to explain right now. I know I may be an hour late but come on, three years late???”

I pinched my cheek rather hard hoping somehow I wasn’t going to be able to do it or feel it, given that’s supposed to mean a person is dreaming. But ouch! It really hurt!

“Andy, how about watching some television until the police arrive? And try not to worry, I’m sure they’ve contacted your folks by now…” Mr. Sampson chimed in with hope in his voice seeing his wife feeling somewhat helpless.

I watched as this stranger in my home turned on a TV I had never saw before. And as I sat down on a couch that wasn’t the one there when I had left five hours earlier, Mr. and Mrs. Sampson stared at each other with blank expressions making me feel even more uncomfortable. I decided it might be best to not say anymore until either my parents or the police arrived. Thankfully, twenty minutes later, a loud knock on the door broke the tension.

“Evening ma’am. I’m Officer Wooten and this here is Office Bogart. You called about one of our missing person’s cases, an Andy Dawson?”

I quickly sprinted off the couch and ran to the front door hoping to see my parents standing behind the officers, but sadly they weren’t there.

“Well hey there son, I’m…” Officer Wooten started to introduce himself.

“I don’t care who you are! Where are my parents? This is my home! These strange people are in my house!”

“Calm down, calm down…” Officer Bogart said gently.

“I’m Andy Dawson! I live here! I’ve lived here for 12 years! I went into the woods at 1pm to play and got caught up in a cave with some weird numbers and a door that locked me in and by the time I got out of there, I was late by an hour, but these weird people said it’s been 3 years and that it’s not my home anymore!”

I had to take a deep breath because it felt like I was beginning to hyperventilate. I know it probably sounded like I was crazy to all of them, but in my head I just recapped my entire afternoon, which unfortunately was now turning into a nightmare instead of an adventure.

“Andy, do you know your parents names?” Officer Wooten asked.

“Of course I do! Pam and Lewis! And I have a sister named Laura! She’s three years older than me! My room is upstairs at the end of the hallway and hers is right next to mine! What more do I have to do to prove to you that I’m me and not crazy!”

“Andy please, we’re only trying to help you. But we’re going to have to take you down to the station, which is where your family is going to meet you. How does that sound?” Officer Bogart said calmly.

“Fine!” I said storming out of the house.

I so wanted this to be a dream. But apparently it wasn’t. Mr. and Mrs. Sampson weren’t my parents and this wasn’t my house and because of it, I couldn’t even look back at them. In all honesty, I was downright scared, which is most likely why Officer Bogart let me ride in the front seat all the way to the station. Normally, I would have found this to be a pretty cool experience, but given the situation, it felt like an eternity getting there. Fifteen minutes later we finally pulled into its parking lot and there it was, my parent’s silver Toyota Camry. I only recognized it because of the bumper sticker my mother had put on it long ago that said “DeColores”. I immediately raced out of the patrol car once it was safely parked and into the station, not waiting for the officers to accompany me in.

“Mom! Dad! Laura!” I yelled as I burst through the station’s front door, not even knowing where they were.

“Andy???” A timid sounding voice came from behind me, which sounded a lot like my mother’s. I quickly turned around and there was my family.

“Oh thank God!” my mother said wrapping her arms around me as she began crying. I was crying as well, but I didn’t care. I never really liked hugs before, except this one felt long overdue and much needed. My father and sister soon joined in, embracing the both of us and for a brief moment, I completely forgot about Mr. and Mrs. Sampson, the house that was no longer my home, and the three years I had supposedly lost.

“Are you ok son?” I looked up at my Dad who was asking me the question. I honestly had no idea what to say.

“Not really Dad. I went outside to play in the woods like I usually do on Saturdays at 1pm today. Mom saw me leave. I was hanging out at this rock like always and decided to dig for buried treasure. I found this hatch, which led into a magical cave and there were numbers on the floor in there and…”

I stopped talking because they were giving me that same look like both the Sampson’s and the police did, that look like I was making everything up.

“Fine, if you don’t believe me, look at this crystal I found in the cave!” I pulled it out of my pocket to show them and noticed it was still glowing purple.

I hadn’t really had a chance to inspect it up close because of my abrupt departure from there when the cave door was coming down. Ironically, I was able to see now that there were symbols on each of its smooth sides and recognized a few of them as ones from the zodiac.

“Andy, it’s just some rock…” My father said. “You’re obviously just a little overwhelmed right now.”

“It’s not just some rock! Look, don’t you see these zodiac signs on here? Don’t you see how it’s glowing purple?”

“There’s nothing on the rock Andy…” My mom said beginning to cry again while my sister looked at me worriedly.

“Look it’s right here! This symbol is a scale, and I know that’s LIBRA!” I said quite loudly.

Suddenly I heard a loud “WHOOSH”, like the air was being sucked out of something, and then everything became weirdly silent. The scale symbol immediately disappeared on the crystal I was still holding up for my family to see. Except now they weren’t moving, and neither were any of the officers around us who had been listening in on our reunion. In fact, everyone in the room was looking like mannequins stuck in strange poses, faces frozen in various expressions. My heart began racing again as I noticed a stream of coffee was hanging in mid air between a pot and a mug that Officer Bogart was holding nearby…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Andy’s Woodsy Adventure – Chapter 4

Q: Why can’t you ever give Elsa from Frozen a balloon?

A: Because she’s always going to want to Let It Go…

Let it go! Let it go! Let it go…Oh hey everyone, Andy here. Too bad you can’t hear me singing really off key right now to this very annoying song. J Anyway, I’m back to share with all of you the next installment of my ongoing personal adventure in the woods. But before I do, I just want to say that I sure do hope each of you had an enjoyable holiday season. And just in case you didn’t know, Mr. Obsessive Compulsive felt he had to take his holiday decorations down a mere three days after Christmas, can you believe it??? What a Scrooge! LOL. But I guess they had to come down at some point? Ok, enough of me babbling let me get on with the good stuff. As always, here are the links to the previous three chapters in case you haven’t read some of them yet…

Andy’s Woodsy Adventure – Chapter 4

The whole cave was shimmering now in an incredible display of purple beauty. I was so entranced by it I was completely ignoring the fact that the entrance to where I first entered my temporary prison was now opened. It almost felt as if the odd-shaped crystal that lay atop the tiny pedestal was slowly pulling me towards it one step at a time and away from that opening and my escape.

“I know I should leave right now while I have the chance…” I muttered to myself. Yet the glow and draw of the crystal appeared to be far more powerful than any sense of rationality I had left in my brain.

A few more steps and I’d be within arm’s reach from touching the shiny object that had my complete focus at the moment. Thoughts of Indiana Jones and Raiders of The Lost Ark quickly flittered across my brain, as it desperately tried to remind me of that huge rolling ball that chased Indy out of a cave once he took the sacred sparkly object from its place of long dormancy in the movie. None of that felt like it mattered though because the closer I came to the purple crystal, the more calm I seemed to become.

And there it was, right in front of me now. I could feel my right arm rising up, hand opened, ready to grasp onto its magnificence. I honesty couldn’t tell if I was even in charge of my own body anymore as I watched my hand reach up to take it away from its silent resting place. While my fingers gradually clasped around it, I noticed it felt overly warm to the touch.

For as much as I’ve watched Indiana Jones and various other treasure hunt based movies, you would think I’d have been more cautious taking this crystal into my hand, but heck I was a 12-year old kid! I didn’t know any better.

At the precise moment I drew my hand back towards me, crystal clenched within it, that very familiar grinding and crunching rock noise suddenly started. I looked over in horror to see the doorway beginning to come down ready to seal me back within this tomb. This time my brain jolted me with a huge surge of fear and adrenaline, which was enough to get me to race towards it.

“YOU’RE NOT GOING TO MAKE IT!” my brain screamed at me. “RUN!”

For a moment, I truly thought I really wasn’t going to make it because there were only a few feet left before the cave was completely sealed once again. So I dove to the floor and rapidly rolled sideways watching as the bed of rock loomed just inches above my body. My right arm and hand, which was still clutching the glowing crystal, barely escaped from being crushed, but my trusty flashlight that had been a part of so many of my previous adventures didn’t fare as well. It had fallen out of my pocket during my diving roll and gotten smashed into smithereens when the doorway came fully to a close.

I didn’t care though. I WAS FREE. And I had my treasure…whatever it was…

I raced up the long set of stairs towards the dim light, grateful to be alive and not sealed away in some dark prison forever. Somehow I just knew that my birthday numbers wouldn’t have opened that doorway a second time. As I took several sets of steps at a time, I shoved the crystal into one of my pockets fearful I might drop or lose it on my ascent. And there it finally was, the sun, still glistening through the treetops there in the woods, except I could tell that it was now much later in the day.

I quickly looked down at my watch and saw it was 5:40pm.

“CRAP!” I yelled out quite loudly hoping that might help me somehow from getting grounded by my parents once I got home. At this point, I was going to be an hour beyond my curfew even running at top speed. I instantly started racing back into the woods heading towards my home, not even looking back once at the large rock, the rusty metal hatch, or my shovel that I forgot to grab, which had been resting on the second step just inside the hatch.

It was 6pm by the time I reached the edge of my backyard. I had already tripped and fallen a number of times that I’m sure with each, the animals in the woods and all the trees around me had laughed at my clumsiness. I had spent the entire 20 minutes getting there thinking of ways to explain why I was late, but honestly, I still had no idea what to say.

I sprinted up to my backdoor and attempted to turn the knob. It was locked.

“That’s funny.” I thought. It never gets locked until after I get home from playing outside. I wondered if this was a tactic to scare me because I was so late.

BANG. BANG. BANG. I knocked on the door rather loudly. No answer. BANG! BANG! BANG! I knocked again, even louder.

A figure then appeared that wasn’t my mother or my father. It was a woman I didn’t recognize.

“Can I help you?” she asked with a puzzled look on her face after opening the door.

“Who are you?” I responded as I started to walk in to my house.

“WHO ARE YOU?!” she said slightly perturbed pushing me back outside.

“I live here!!!” I said suddenly feeling a little scared.

If this was actually a joke then my parents were taking it a little too far I thought.

“I’m Mrs. Sampson, and I think you have the wrong house young man!”

“MOM! DAD!” I shouted into the house hoping they would suddenly appear.

“What’s your name son?” she asked in a much more inviting tone, noticing I was getting really scared.

“I’m Andy. Andy Dawson.”

Her mouth suddenly dropped with a look of shock.

“Andy…where…Oh My God! Harold! Call the police!” She immediately shouted into the house behind her.

“Andy, please come in. I’m so sorry for being a little rude…I…didn’t know it was you…” She reached for my hand to bring me into my house. As soon as I took a few steps into my family room, I saw nothing was how I remembered, causing tears to well up in my eyes.

“I don’t understand…” I said trying desperately to hold them back.

“Andy, I don’t know any other way to tell you this…but…you…went missing… three years ago…”

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Andy’s Woodsy Adventure – Chapter 3

Q: Why did the can-crusher quit his job?

A: Because it was soda pressing!

Hey there people! It’s time for another entry in my ongoing adventure story! I hope all of you had a great Christmas and got lots of cool presents! Andrew was a Bah Humbug this year and didn’t buy me anything! Can you believe it?! Oh well, Mr. Beanpole is alright I guess because he gives me lots of gifts year round, which is kind of how it should be right? Anyway, here’s Chapter 3 of Andy’s Woodsy Adventure. And in case you might not have read the first two yet, here’s the links to each.

Andy’s Woodsy Adventure – Chapter 3




I screamed at the top of my lungs several times hoping that each might do something, anything, like possibly reopen the entrance to the cave. But nothing happened of course, except for me growing hoarse, and my heart racing quite a bit more. I became totally frozen in fear half expecting to suddenly feel some warm heavy breathing on my cheek.


I frantically fumbled in my pocket for my small flashlight only to hear it crash to the floor due to my hands shaking so badly. Now I had no way of seeing anything other than the thick blackness around me. A few tears dripped from the corner of my eyes as I began to wonder whether I was going to perish in this dark prison. But then I remembered the numbers of the floor and how they lit up in purple each time I had stepped on one of them. Maybe if I just slowly moved in one direction, I’ll walk on one again making it re-light?

My left foot slowly crept forward in the direction of where I thought the room’s opening had once been. Then I moved my right foot. And then the left again. Surprisingly, a very dim purple glow abruptly appeared. I looked down to see it was the number “8” relit again, which helped me to breathe a small sigh of relief.

While there was still a considerable amount of blackness surrounding me, I was at least able to see my small flashlight lying nearby. I quickly grabbed it and turned it on, grateful not to see any weird creatures staring and snarling at me anywhere in the large cavernous room. After taking a few deep breaths hoping it would stop my heart from feeling like it was going to jump out of my chest, I pondered what to do next.

Somehow these numbers on the floor are a puzzle. But how do they work?

Ugh! I never really liked puzzles much. They always hurt my brain. I fondly remembered one time taking an old Rubik’s cube that I had grown tired of trying to solve and peeling its colors off just so that I could put them all back together on each respective side. A smile briefly lit up my face with the thought, and with it thankfully came a spark of inspiration.

Scurrying over to the closest number nearby, I illuminated a “16” after placing my foot upon it. I rapidly then jumped onto the “19” again, which was still only a few feet away as well. Now both were lit up causing the room to mostly be visible again in that bright purplish color. This time I didn’t extinguish the light from my flashlight though as I stepped on the “77” once more. One by one the lights of each of the numbers disappeared again descending the room back into the same darkness as before with the exception of the small light still emitting from my flashlight.

“8-16-1977” I said aloud. Like anyone was really listening to me…

“1-8-1977” I repeated the other number combination aloud as well hoping desperately to find some type of connection. I got they were dates. But what kind of dates?

“I REALLY HATE PUZZLES!” I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping the cave would understand my frustration and help me out.

Dates. Dates. Famous dates? Dates of…UGH! I don’t know!!!

“WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE A STUPID PUZZLE?” I shouted angrily at the cave. I half expected it was going to talk back to me. It didn’t of course.

“Birth dates???” I mumbled to myself.

Hmmm…Birth dates…I moved my flashlight around the room and thought about my own birthdate. It couldn’t be that easy…could it?

Looking around I saw the “6” not too far away and stepped on it watching as it began to emit that eerie purple glow. The “11” was on the other side of the room though, which forced me to tiptoe around a bunch of other numbers to get there. After doing the same on my way back to get to the “19” again, I observed how most of the cave and myself were basking once again in that almost soothing purplish color.

But where is the number 72???

I panicked for a moment and then I saw it…tucked away almost all by itself in one of the far corners of my current prison. After reaching it in somewhat of a weird movement to get there without touching any other number, I slowly placed my right foot down upon it, causing it to burn purple like the rest of the numbers I had already pressed.

At first I thought nothing was going to happen other than them all going out again, but then…

I began to hear separate noises from two different locations around me. Both were similar to each other and similar to something I had heard not too long before. It actually sounded as if large rocks were grinding and crunching against each other. Relief started to set in as I watched the granite door reopen to the cave, emitting a very dim light from way above. And then I saw it…the source of the other similar noise.

A clear crystal pedestal, about the height of one you would see in a church for baptism, slowly emerged from the floor, directly in the middle of the cavern. And directly in its center was a much tinier crystal pedestal several inches high and wide. At its top lay a brightly glowing purple crystal. It was slightly larger than the size of a golf ball and shaped with many sides positioned in weird angles.

As the pedestal came to a complete rest at its full height, the enchanting radiance of the purple crystal beckoned me to come closer…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson