Archangel Michael And His Feathers

My spiritual teacher has told me more than once that I could call upon an Archangel named Michael and ask for his assistance whenever I feel like I needed him. Lately, I’ve actually been doing that very thing quite a bit and truly believe I’ve received many signs of his guiding presence. But the journey to even feeling comfortable doing this has definitely taken some time getting there.

It all started when my spiritual teacher informed me I might find help with my debilitating struggles around my health issues by calling upon this Archangel named Michael. Initially, I was skeptical at best mostly because I was originally taught to only pray to God or Christ and that anything else would be blasphemy. Over the years though, I came to feel that this was too stifling of a view of a God often said to be all encompassing. In my recovery life, Bill Wilson said that God is either everything or he is nothing. For me, I eventually cane to accept the former, and in turn found myself researching and learning about many other ways that God manifests in. At first it was more in notable figures from the bible such as the 12 disciples, of which I did pray at times to some of those like Paul or Peter. But as time moved forward, I learned about the presence of God through other beings such as Archangels from the various books I read. It was said in them that an Archangel was simply one of God’s angels of high-ranking order. I didn’t connect much to this hierarchy at first because it seemed far too military or political and was beyond the realm of understanding I had at the time. But over the past five years, I’ve become open to the existence of God in so many more things, mainly because of where my health and healing processes have taken me.

This is why not too long ago, I found myself researching on the Internet about this Archangel named Michael. Through those studies I learned he helps to release fear and worry so that one can be more open to experiencing the incredible love and light of the Angelic Realm, as well as to live a fun, fulfilling, and passionate life. I also discovered he can help to release negativity, is able to bring the necessary courage for making positive life changes, and can bring comfort to those going through times of great sadness. The most interesting thing I found about Archangel Michael though is that he usually makes his presence known through the use of feathers.

After doing all the research on him and many of the other Archangels as well, it still took me some time to actually feel comfortable enough to call upon Michael with a sincere desire for his help. I’d have to say that the first moment it ever happened was on a particular day when my pain was severe, both physically and emotionally. I can’t remember anymore what I specifically said that day, but the gist was that I truly needed some comfort and reassurance that I was going to be ok.

When I found my first feather, a small white one, shortly after that, I just assumed what my ego was telling me was correct, that it was a mere coincidence. But as time went on, the more I prayed to Archangel Michael, the more it seemed as if feathers of all shapes and sizes were popping up around my everyday life. One morning, there was even a trail of them down my driveway. Another time, I chose a specific place to kneel down in my yard and pray and there in front of me was a small one, but after scanning the ground everywhere else, there were no others discovered. In recent months, they’ve been even more pronounced, some even falling out of the sky from nowhere, landing near or even on me.

As a man who once believed everything could be proven through science, I’m finding that hard to do anymore with the number of times these feathers have so randomly and oddly appeared in my life. I’m sure many might say each were always just a coincidence, but for a man of growing faith such as myself, I take them all now as a sign from one of God’s main helpers, ever reminding me that I’m going to be ok.

So whether you buy into the existence of God or Archangels or anything greater than yourself that’s up to you. But I myself am really coming to accept that there is a Higher Power out there of sorts who does have a team of beings working for him, trying to help us all find greater love and light in our lives. I ultimately feel Archangel Michael is one of those helpers and I’m forever grateful for each one of those feathers he sends me because each bring me a little more hope and a little more joy to help me keep going on all of those days when my ego tells me to give up. Thank you Archangel Michael for not letting that happen…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

The Integrity Mirror

I have a friend who seems to be living quite similar to how I used to when I had no real understanding of what it meant to live my life with integrity.

If you don’t know what I mean by this, having integrity is when you do the right thing in a reliable way on a consistent basis. It also means keeping strong moral and ethical values throughout your entire life. None of which I had much of when I was active in any of my addictions, unless I knew I was going to get something out of trying to be that way temporarily. The sad truth is that what my friend has been demonstrating to me over the past six months or so is truly but a mere reflection of my former self about four years ago on backwards.

I began to see the mirror of my own past integrity issues through this friend when they started to not return my phone calls. Then as time passed, I saw it further when they made several statements saying, “We really need to get together soon” but not following up with any of them. But that integrity mirror grew even stronger when I confronted my friend and asked why they were becoming more and more distant. That’s mostly because their response about their busy work life was all too familiar.

This is why I was ok for a while with my friend’s actions, because I know work does interfere with one’s personal life at times. But when I began seeing their postings on Facebook talking about all the fun things they were doing in their social life, I started to feel otherwise, as I remembered acting very similar not so long ago. But it was what happened next that I have to say was truly just a taste of my own medicine when it comes to having integrity.

I had finally connected with this friend over the phone one day and said I needed to spend some time in person catching up. They immediately invited me to a group function the following week that would involve a movie I wanted to see and a meal afterwards. I was thankful for the invitation and accepted. A week later, I waited for them to show up at my place or contact me back about where I was to meet. Unfortunately, neither transpired.

Most would probably say they would have given up by this point, but I tend to easily forgive, especially in light of the integrity mirror I kept seeing, which is why I gave this friend one more chance. When I managed to get them on the phone and was given a simple “I’m sorry, I totally forgot” in reference to the missed event, it too was another great reminder from my past. Saying “I’m sorry” were my two most frequent spoken words when I was lacking integrity the most in life. Nevertheless, I suggested another attempt to connect and we agreed to get together at one of my recovery meetings and have lunch afterwards.

When that day arrived, I kept the faith they’d show up, but sadly they didn’t. The only explanation I’d receive was a very short text saying that a work situation was taking longer than expected and that was it. I waited a few days after this hoping they might call and talk about it, but they never did. And in the end, I decided to leave them a voicemail letting them know I still loved them, but was done trying and that I hoped they’d learn about integrity down the road.

The unfortunate reality I had to face through all of this is that each of my friend’s integrity issues was no different to how I lived for years. And it actually makes a lot more sense to me now why most of my own friends walked away from me back then.

So if by some chance you still aren’t grasping what having integrity means let me summarize it as best as I can. It means calling people back when they leave you a message. It means following through when you tell someone “we really need to get together.” It means holding to any plans you might have made with another. And it also means making it up to them should any unforeseeable circumstances somehow preempt those plans.

In conclusion, I just want to thank my Higher Power for receiving such a great reminder of how I used to be with integrity. I’m glad I’m not that way anymore and only pray my friend will one day see the integrity mirror for himself…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Why Do We Judge Anyone?

Oh how easy it is to judge another person on what they’re doing. We’ve probably all done it at some point or another, some more than others, but the real question is why do we do it in the first place?

I have my own theories of course as to why I’ve ever judged someone. Most often it’s been because I’ve wanted to shift the attention off of me. You see if I placed the focus constantly on the behaviors of others instead of my own, than I never had to look at myself and see the fact that I was just as guilty of doing the same exact things.

Another big reason why I’ve ever judged anyone has been due to underlying resentments I had towards someone. Judging them was always my way of amplifying those resentments solely to justify why I didn’t like them. But this toxic process only fed on itself because the more I judged them, the more I became resentful towards them and the more I became resentful towards them, the more I continued to judge them.

One last reason as to why I’ve ever judged a person has always been related to the things they had that I didn’t. All to often in life I’ve looked at someone who was a good speaker, or had a great looking partner, or had an incredible job, or was financially really well off, or had achieved success in some way, and in each of these cases, I’d become jealous or filled with envy. And to deal with these feelings, I’d regularly judge them on the behaviors I saw them doing, hoping it would somehow detract from my desire to want any of those things they had that I didn’t.

But the reality I’ve faced for each of these three situations whenever I’ve judged an individual is that it’s truly not healthy to do it at all. Specifically why is directly related to what most often remained long after I ever made any judgment and that was the total lack of serenity within. Instead, more than not, I’d become totally irritable, which only caused me to continue seeing the world with judging eyes.

This is precisely why I’m convinced nowadays that judging anyone is not in alignment with my highest good. To walk the spiritual journey I’m on, I know that as soon as I start feeling like I want to judge someone, I need to pray to see the good in that person, I need to send them love, and I need to take a deeper look within myself as to what possibly still needs to be worked on within me. I have even go so far as to keep a great reminder of this on my license plate for the past bunch of years, as it says “DNTJDGE”. Thankfully I’ve become far less judging of others in the process and I plan to keep it that way…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson