Daily Reflection

“Hold the vision, Trust the process.” (Unknown)

A friend of mine sent me this quote late last year on Facebook and it’s one that I’ve been pondering ever since. Given how aware he has been for some time of all that I’ve been going through, the quote really has been more than fitting for me. The fact is I’ve been doing my absolute best to hold onto a vision of a life with far less pain for quite awhile now. Early on when most of my health issues began, I have to say that trusting the process of how I found myself healing was definitely way more easy to do. But, the longer I’ve continued to endure it, the more I’ve found myself doubting whether my vision will ever come to fruition. I realize though that most people in my shoes would probably be feeling the same way I do as of late, given the length of time that has passed since all this started. Yet somehow I’ve still held onto my vision of a much healthier life through it all and kept on trusting that my Higher Power is guiding the entire process I’ve been going through. It is said that all one needs is a mustard seed of faith, which is a tiny thing indeed. Thank goodness I know I have at least that because if I didn’t, I would have already given up. This is what’s called blind faith and it’s something many struggle with on their spiritual journey in life, especially when the going gets rough and stays rough for a long period of time. So while I may not understand this healing process my Higher Power has been having me go through for so long now, I’m choosing to maintain my blind faith, to hold onto the dream of a far healthier life and believe that God truly knows what He’s doing with me.

I pray my faith does not waver through any of Your healing efforts with me God. I pray I continue to hold onto my vision of everything working out and keep on trusting You are with me every step of the way there.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson



January’s Questions For You To Ponder (Winter Themed!)

Hello everyone! I decided it was time to do my monthly questions for everyone to ponder. I really hope everyone made it through the holiday season ok and is successfully navigating through these next few cold winter months, that is unless you are currently living in a warm climate right now. 🙂 With that being said, I’m doing a winter theme this month so hopefully each of you will take the time to mull them over, and as always, my own answers are listed below.

  1. What is your most favorite winter memory?
  2. What is your least favorite winter memory?
  3. If you could spend the rest of the winter months anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  4. What type of drink do you enjoy the most during the cold winter months?
  5. What is your favorite thing to eat during the cold winter months?
  6. What do you miss the most doing during the winter?
  7. What do you do the most to occupy your free time during the winter?
  8. What is the most amount of snow you’ve ever seen come down during a single storm?
  9. What is your most favorite kind of soup to consume during a cold day in the winter?
  10. If you were to be snowed in for a few days during a big storm with one person still alive, who would you like it to be?

And as always, one more for good measure:

  1. Is there a book you are planning or currently reading during this winter?

My answers:

  1. When so much snow fell one winter as a kid, we made tunnels through the front yard that were like crystal caverns.
  2. Driving through a huge blizzard from Washington D.C. to Poughkeepsie and sliding off the highway into a traffic sign.
  3. Any island in the Caribbean.
  4. Dark Hot Chocolate.
  5. My own oatmeal concoction that’s made with raisins, natural peanut butter, vanilla soy milk, coconut, banana, and blueberries.
  6. Sitting outside in the sun in my backyard.
  7. Watch movies, write, do puzzles.
  8. Somewhere around 3 feet when I lived in Fairfax, VA.
  9. Beer Cheddar Cheese Soup.
  10. My partner of course. If not him, my best friend Cedric.
  11. Hinds’ Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson