For years I never let go of control with anything in my life. I found it so hard to also let go of any of my negative patterns, programmings, and behaviors. A few years ago I really started praying diligently to God for help in this matter. I want to share my prayer with you as I know it can help you as much as it did me…
“Dear God, I’m really struggling with letting go of control in my life. I know I live in a lot of self-will and I need Your help to remove it. I don’t want to keep living my life this way. Will You please eliminate all my negative patterns, programmings, and behaviors that constantly lead me to take control away from You? Please take from my life all the things that keep me separate from You. I am open to whatever you need to put back in my life that will bring me closer to You. I truly want You to be at the helm of my life guiding me in every thought, word, and action. I love you God and I’m grateful that You’ve heard this prayer. May Thy will, not mine, be done, always, now and forever. Amen.”
Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson