“If I Had…”

Hey everyone, Andy here, back for another day of writing. Today, I’ve actually been given free reign for this entire entry, which is really pretty cool. I’m sure there’s a lot of mischievous things I could say right now that would totally bother Andrew a lot if I put them in here. So I decided to only say a couple of them to get it out of my system, as I’m sure he won’t mind if it’s just a few. POOP FACE! STINK MONGER! FART HEAD! BUTT-WAD! Ok, I feel much better now! I’m finally ready to write today’s entry, which is titled “If I had…”

If I had a million dollars to spend immediately on whatever I wanted, I’d spend it on taking one of those Virgin Galactic spaceflights with three other friends because I’d really like to experience what weightlessness feels like.

If I had a free do-over in life, I don’t think I’d do over anything because I don’t ever want to go back to any of those years where the pain was so much greater than it is now.

If I had the ability to conjure up at anytime only one of my favorite meals for the rest of my life, I’d definitely conjure up my mother’s Chicken Marsala, as it was always yummy.

If I had to change a single part of myself, I’d change the size of my nose because I kind of think it is just way too big.

If I had to go back to school to take a single class, I’d like to take Spanish 101 because there are so many people that seem to be speaking it now in the world.

If I had to watch the same movie every day for the rest of my life, I’d completely watch Groundhog Day because it’s the only movie I laugh hysterically at, no matter how many times I ever watch it.

If I had the power to talk to my parents again, I’d tell them how much I love them and miss them and that I hope they’re proud of me now.

If I had to be a cartoon character for life, I’d like to be The Flash because I relate to his personality the most, and totally love his abilities of super-speed, walking through solid masses, and even traveling in time.

If I had only a day left to live, I’d make sure I’d spend it doing everything a kid likes to do such as playing games, giggling about the silliest of things, and eating one of the hugest ice cream sundaes possible.

If I had to be any animal for one complete day, I’d want to be some type of a bird that could fly high above the clouds because I’ve always dreamed of doing that when I’m looking out the window of an airplane.


If I had to tell Andrew Arthur Dawson one thing today, I’d tell him God really is helping him heal and that his physical pains will be gone very soon, as I know he continues to struggle believing that given how he’s been feeling for so long.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, www.thetwelfthstep.com is just one of those ways...

2 thoughts on ““If I Had…””

  1. Interesting post, Andy…glad Andrew gave up control for a day. 🙂

    “If I had a free-do-over in life…” ah, the chance to do it over, with the knowledge I have today – now there’s a fantasy I have romanced a lot. But I can’t spend much time there, because a lot of the things I wish I could have done over are also things that may very well have changed things in ways I would not enjoy. I’d love to have had the courage to come out when I was 18 – but that would have been in 1975, right as the AIDS crisis was starting. Our friend Sue H pointed out, rather forcefully one night, that my “inactivity” during those years very likely saved my life. So, we neither regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it, eh? Easier said than done, sometimes….

    If I could talk to my father again, I’d do my best to make amends for being a lousy son at the time. If I could talk to my mom in person again, I’d introduce her to my partner – I think she’d get a kick outta him. If I could have one meal with my parents, I’d like to have my mom and dad, and my partner’s mom, dad and grandmothers, all go to a seaside lobster place in Maine. It would be pretty close to heaven for my mom, anyway – and it would be fun to get them all together.

    I don’t know if my inner child would have much to say to the-me-that-is-now… he was pretty broken back then. If I could say something to me-as-a-kid-back-then, I would start with Pooh’s words to Christopher Robin: “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you know.”

    If I could say something to me-as-a-teenager, it would be, “Yes, you suck at sports – but the competition will do you good, even if you fail,” and “When it comes to yourself, your perceptions are broken. Listen to those who love you.”

    That kid really needed to hear those things. (He still does.)

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