“My happiness grows in direct proportion to my acceptance, and in inverse proportion to my expectations.” (Michael J. Fox)
Anytime I’ve ever found myself feeling overly frustrated with some part of my life, the source of it always seems to come back to an expectation I’ve set on someone or something. Maybe that’s happened when another driver wasn’t driving like I thought they should, or when a friend wasn’t acting how I wanted them to, or when a supervisor wasn’t respecting me like I felt I deserved, or when a partner wasn’t treating me how I wanted to be, or when a cashier wasn’t moving as fast as I needed them to, or when a business wasn’t giving me the level of customer service I envisioned, or when my own health wasn’t performing up to the standard I desired. Regardless, anytime I’ve ever placed an expectation on anything in life, my frustration has only increased. But anytime I’ve strived for acceptance of the very same thing, the more my happiness has increased. Coming to acceptance isn’t easy, but I know my happiness definitely depends on it.
I pray I may become free of all expectations in life and instead find acceptance with everyone and everything, including myself.
Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson