February’s Questions For You To Ponder (Love Themed!)

Hello everyone! It’s time for my monthly questions for everyone to ponder. It’s been a strange winter so far with very little snow here in Toledo, OH. Just the other day in fact, it was 50 degrees, in February, can you believe it? Anyway, I’m doing a love themed set of questions this month because of Valentine’s Day so as always, I hope each of you will take the time to mull them over. And of course, my own answers are listed below.

  1. What do you like most about Valentine’s Day?
  2. What do you like least about Valentine’s Day?
  3. If you could receive ANY gift on Valentine’s Day, what would it be?
  4. What is your definition of true love?
  5. Who was your first true love in life?
  6. What is the biggest relationship heartache you’ve ever experienced so far in life?
  7. What’s the first sign you usually experience when you start falling for someone?
  8. What’s the biggest mistake you feel like you’ve ever made due to loving someone?
  9. Name one non-intimate action you would do for someone you are in love with that you probably wouldn’t do for someone you’re not?
  10. Who do you feel the words “I love you” should be meant for?

And as always, one more for good measure:

  1. What’s the first song that comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘love’?

My answers:

  1. Seeing so many people try to spread love.
  2. Seeing so many people believe that love comes from something that costs money.
  3. A huge hug from God, Jesus, or one of his divine messengers.
  4. Loving someone just as they are, with no expectation’s that they need to change a single thing about themselves, and desiring to give your acts of love to them with no conditions.
  5. Rob Vanhellemont Jr.
  6. My breakup with Jerry Prewitt.
  7. Having trouble imagining spending my life without them by my side.
  8. Loaning $5000 or buying a bed and breakfast.
  9. Attempt to cook a meal for them.
  10. Everyone.
  11. Tina Turner’s “What’s Love Gotta To Do With It?”

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson