Grand Cayman Vacation – Day 8

It’s Day 8 in Grand Cayman and one that’s been overly frustrating for me again. My sinuses have been acting up all day pretty severely alongside some low grade depression and anxiety. But as always, I did what I could to make the best of my day, which was mostly spent at The Cayman Turtle Farm.

There my partner and I swam with sea turtles, actually got to hold them as well, and even be amongst them while they were fed along with hundreds of fish. Most were small to medium size and could be held easily in our arms. I was so surprised at how docile these turtles were and how they didn’t mind our presence at all. In fact, most of them just swam right on by, touching our arms and feet in the process. There was another pool of sea turtles in this park as well, but we could only observe them from behind a railing. What was interesting about them was their sheer size, some being over five feet around!

After our time with the turtles there, we took a dip in a very large pool that was adorned with a waterfall and a waterslide. We enjoyed both, taking a much needed break on the 90-degree day. Before we left the park, we also took a nice stroll through an aviary where we were treated to a small yellow bird jumping on our fingers who was hoping for a tasty snack.  And next door to it was a butterfly sanctuary with hundreds of them flying around, which I found a little serenity in.

A little later in the afternoon on our way back to our resort, we stopped by Spotts Beach where sea turtles are known to frequent. While I didn’t get into the ocean to snorkel and see them up close, given how late it was in the day, we did get to see one from the small dock there.

By the time we arrived back to the resort, my partner suggested that I get to another AA meeting. I agreed, as my attitude had been rather poor all day. While the recovery meeting I attended a little later only had six of us there, it was still a great meeting. The topic was on anger, and I definitely was harboring some of that towards myself and my Higher Power for how I felt today. After the meeting ended, some of that was lifted and I was glad I had gone.

I must say though that today was probably the most challenging day I’ve had so far on this vacation. As it came to a close, I decided that I’m not going to go on one again until my mind and body feel more at peace. As much as I’ve been enjoying the warm weather and ocean here, it’s been truly difficult to appreciate them for all their beauty with the pain I continue to go through even here. I had honestly hoped that this island trip would have catapulted me to the other side of this long health and healing journey I’ve been on. But alas, so far it hasn’t yet and I accept that.

I will at least say though as I end today’s entry that I’m grateful for two things. I’m grateful to have spent time today with more of God’s creations that came in the form of all those sea turtles and I’m grateful that the program of Alcoholics Anonymous always seems to be nearby when it’s needed the most…


Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson