To Vote Or Not To Vote, That Is The Question…

Lately I feel like I’ve really been drawn into the whole political craziness going on within our country. Normally I don’t like talking about politics at all, but I’m growing more and more concerned about all those who are saying they aren’t going to vote in the upcoming presidential election because they don’t like either candidate.

What’s sad about this is that many of those who don’t end up voting for our next president will be the same ones down the road who will be complaining constantly about the state of our country when things aren’t going the way they want.

I have to be honest though and say I’m guilty of this very thing in my past as there were times I didn’t vote either and then later grumbled quite a bit about various problems with our government. But this year I actually plan on voting for the next president because I’m overly nervous about letting someone get in office who has been doing things that I’m doing my best to not do anymore in life such as making fun of those who are disabled, saying racist comments, and promoting their own self-agenda.

While I do agree that neither candidate really hold a strong position in my spiritual reflection, I do wish to do my part in electing someone who will most likely still protect my rights and work towards unity rather than potentially take them away and create dissension. And as so many usually say, choosing to not vote at all is simply just another way of placing a vote for the person I don’t want to see get elected.

So that’s why I plan on voting this year because I want to see our country moving forward with things that I feel we represent together as a nation instead of going in the reverse direction when life was far more polarized between all of us.

And even if our country ends up having issues down the way due to whomever becomes president, I also don’t plan on criticizing them or the government around them because I know the real work is truly done in each of us by doing our best to love each other…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson