Avoiding The News To Maintain My Peace And Serenity

Being that I was fresh out of ideas for a topic to write about in today’s entry, I opted to break the news-free streak I’ve had ever since the Presidential election by taking a quick look at USA Today’s home page. Prior to the election, much of the latest news headlines from places such as this site, were often starting points for many of the articles I’d write for my blog. But that always came at a price, which was a loss of peace and serenity usually due to some tragedy I read about. And unfortunately, I can see that reality continues to hold true for me in just the few minutes I allowed myself to check out today’s most pressing news.

Another terrorist act killed a bunch of people, more murder sprees, tragic accidents, business fraud, political unsettledness, entertainment gossip, negative sports drama, and well you get the gist, as that pretty much sums up the news I read about in under five minutes. None of which made me feel good on any level. That being said, I began to wonder, why do any of us even watch the news if it makes us feel emotions we don’t really like to feel. And why would any of us want to keep tuning into something that frequently only leads into a negative state of thinking?

I know that in my case, I already fend much of that off on a daily basis with the difficult things going on in my own life, so I truly don’t want to add any more of that to the pile. That’s why I feel that maintaining peace and serenity is far more important than knowing what’s going on in the world. Because the fact is, knowing about any of those disturbing headlines has never done anything to increase my peace and serenity nor has it ever improved the quality of my life either. Rather, it’s often worked the exact opposite by adding to my level of frustrations in life.

This is why I long for a world where unconditional love surpasses the selfishness and self-centeredness that still pervades much of it, because when that day comes, I envision newspapers putting headlines out there on hopeful things, uplifting things, and things that help our spirits grow brighter, instead of the dark and depressing things we generally see now.

Can you imagine picking up a newspaper or reading one on the Internet, where every single story is about something wonderful happening somewhere on our planet? I know many would say that’s a pipe dream, one that is just too impossible to achieve. But I remain hopeful, and believe that anything is possible, especially when it comes to channeling the Universal energy of unconditional love.

Nevertheless, before I digress any further from the original context of today’s entry, the bottom line is that it’s just not healthy for me to keep abreast of the latest news. It tends to always work against the grain of what I’m trying to grow in life, that being my level of peace and serenity. And the more I’ve lost my peace and serenity, the harder it’s been for me to feel unconditional love. And the harder it’s been for me to feel unconditional love, the more I’ve ended up contributing to the selfishness and self-centeredness in this world that has made the news precisely what it’s become these days.

So, in light of that, I’m going to look for blog topics in other ways than what the news outlets currently report on, because the last thing I need in life right now is to expose myself to any more negativity than I truly need to. Hopefully in doing so, I’ll be able to maintain a much greater level of peace and serenity…

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, www.thetwelfthstep.com is just one of those ways...

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