Thought For The Day

Quote #1

“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” (G.K. Chesterton)

Quote #2

“Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness ay consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.” (Henri Frederic Amiel)

Quote #3

“I truly believe we can either see the connections, celebrate them, and express gratitude for our blessings, or we can see life as a string of coincidences that have no meaning or connection. For me, I’m going to believe in miracles, celebrate life, rejoice in the views of eternity, and hope my choices will create a positive ripple effect in the lives of others. This is my choice.” (Mike Ericksen)

Bonus Quote

“In ordinary life, we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Grateful Heart Monday

Welcome to this week’s Grateful Heart Monday entry, where gratitude continues to be the only focus of my writing to start each week off on a positive note, which for today is for all those who continue to read this blog, especially those who’ve found any guidance, direction, or connection from my words for their own spiritual journey in life.

While my blog’s main purpose has always been to help me on my own spiritual journey by getting my thoughts down on something that has become quite akin to my online diary, it has not gone unnoticed that a number of people have been reading the musings from my life from time to time, and some even every daily as well. That alone has been absolutely something to be grateful for in my life.

With today’s Grateful Heart Monday, which actually marks my 2,709thentry since I began it, I’ve received a significant number of blessings over the years from so many different individuals through various emails, comments on my reposting’s on Facebook, private messages, and comments left on my blog’s actual site as well. Some of those have even come on days when I’ve most needed them, often when I’ve actually been considering taking my site down and calling it quits. But for whatever the reason, it seems as if God wants me to continue writing in my online diary of sorts, because just when I think the expense of maintaining it isn’t worth it anymore, I’m quickly reminded by one of my readers how much they’ve been touched by something I wrote.

For the life of me, I normally don’t often understand how God uses me in this world for God’s purposes, but if there’s one thing I do know that’s been made quite clear where God has, it’s this blog. Based upon the overwhelming positive feedback I’ve received over the seven years since its inception, I’m exceptionally grateful to know that God has been using it to bless others. If there’s one goal I have in life, it’s to help others on their spiritual journeys in any way I can, so to know I’m actually blessing another individual by simply writing in my online diary of sorts, it makes me feel incredible gratitude.

So, for all of you out there, who have ever read even one of my articles, thank you! I’m grateful for each of you.

For all of you out there, who have ever left me some form of positive feedback for any of my writings in this blog, thank you! I’m grateful for each of you.

And for all of you out there, who have ever become encouraged, gained direction, or felt that my online musings have positively impacted you in some way, thank you! I’m grateful for each of you.

I’m truly filled with an immense amount of gratitude to know that this blog has been received as well as it has with so many individuals over the years, which is why I’m dedicating today’s Grateful Heart Monday entry to each of my readers, I’m blessed and thankful for you all!

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson

Thought For The Day

Quote #1

“Never regret anything that has happened in your life, it cannot be changed, undone, or forgotten. So take it as a lesson learned and move on.” (Unknown)

Quote #2

“Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy. You can’t build on it. It’s only good for wallowing in.” (Katherine Mansfield)

Quote #3

“Living with regrets was like driving a car that only moved in reverse.” (Jodi Picoult)

Bonus Quote

“Never regret a day in your life: good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories.” (Unknown) 

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson