Today’s quotes surround the kindness of strangers, something this world needs a more of right now in day-to-day life…
“Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change.” (Bob Kerrey)
“The unexpected kindness of strangers when you’re having a stressful day just makes everything a little easier.” (Lacey Chabert)
“Every single day, no matter who you meet in the day – friends, family, work colleagues, strangers – give joy to them. Give a smile or a compliment or kind words or kind actions, but give joy! Do your best to make sure that every single person you meet has a better day because they saw you. -(Rhonda Byrne)
“I often find myself grateful for the comfort of strangers; a man who gave up his seat for me on the bus, a woman who helped me out with a heavy shopping bag. Remembering small acts of kindness puts the world in a finer, sweeter order.: (Sally Brampton)
Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson