Welcome to another Grateful Heart Monday, which for today is for having a spiritual belief system that doesn’t conform to what the masses say and one that accepts everyone on their own uniquely tailored spiritual path.
Having grown up in a Christian family that didn’t practice good Christian values whatsoever behind the scenes, who put on more of a persona that they were good Christians when out and about, made me despise for the longest time the Christian faith. Thankfully, I no longer feel that way about Christianity, nor about any other religion either. And while I do believe and follow in the teachings of Christ, I no longer label myself as a Christian because I felt it was too conforming, leaving people out more than welcoming them in.
I’m definitely not a conformer. as I tend to go against the masses in my life more than not, so much so that it often gets me in trouble, sometimes even unfriended because of it. While I’m not against any specific religious path, including Christianity, I do believe there are an infinite number of paths to the same Source, or God if you will. I also believe that everyone’s spiritual path is specifically tailored in a way that’s unique to them, one that helps them communicate to Source in a way they’ll understand, even if they haven’t become aware of it yet.
Nevertheless, if I was to label myself spiritually, I’d say I carry both Christian values and Buddhist beliefs. Yet, I also relate much to Quakerism for their freeform style of worship and Wiccans mostly for their love of nature. But ultimately, I don’t think it matters what I or anyone else defines themselves as when it comes to their spiritual side. So long as one isn’t trying to play God themselves or purposely trying to hurt others in the name of whatever their Higher Power is, I do my best to accept everyone as they are on their spiritual walks, no matter what spiritual path looks like.
The fact is, I accept everyone at their core for whatever their spiritual beliefs are and am grateful I feel that way today. Ironically, I once was a guy who would only associate myself to fellow Christians and would scoff at anyone of other religions and faith systems different than mine, even going so far as to let them know I felt they were wrong and misguided. Sometimes I even said they wouldn’t ever enter the gates of Heaven because they weren’t accepting Christ as their Lord and Savior. I’m grateful to say I don’t say things like that anymore and believe now it’s my purpose to accept each person as they are, which comes from my love of Christ’s teachings. It’s precisely how I embrace people of all faiths now. I know plenty of people from many different walks of faith who are incredibly wonderful and beautiful souls who quite probably are more worthy and deserving of being in a place like Heaven than I would have been in many years of my life, especially during my active addiction days.
To have arrived at where I am with my spiritual belief system now, one where I still follow the Trinity but believe I’ve lived many lives before this one as well, and one where I also respect others on their own individual spiritual walks, is something that didn’t come easily. Honestly, it took me being judged by a vast number of ultra-religious people throughout my life due to my sexuality to arrive at my open acceptance now of others when it comes to spirituality. I’m also grateful that my 12 Step recovery work has helped me to meet so many from different spiritual backgrounds, as each who accepted me just as I am, contributed to developing the very open faith system I have now.
So on this Grateful Heart Monday, I am thankful for the spiritual belief system I have nowadays. One that doesn’t conform to what the masses say, and one that accepts everyone on their own uniquely tailored spiritual path, paths I believe forged by Source in ways meant for each of us to individually find our own way Home, even when it seems far different from my own…
Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson