Daily Reflection

“Being held by the right person is enough to cure anything…” (Hu YiTian & Shen Yue)

There really is only one thing I want the most in a relationship with someone I call my partner. And it’s most assuredly not sex or anything carnal in nature, things so many relationships get based upon. That thing I want so incredibly these days is just to be held, to be fully embraced, wrapped deep in the arms of one who loves me unconditionally, one whose love fully emanates from within.

There is something truly priceless to have the arms of another wrapped tightly around your chest. It’s something I never got growing up from my parents and I often wish I had. Unfortunately, because I didn’t, I was led onto a path that for the majority of my life landed me in relationships that have been void of this type of love from people who I’d allow to use me more than not.

Being held is an intimacy so deep that it can help make a broken person learn to feel safe again. I haven’t felt safe in a very, very long time and I can’t remember what it feels like anymore to be held that deep within the arms of any other. I long for it, sometimes even dreaming of it, and doing that very thing to myself isn’t the same. It just isn’t.

How many people in my life have labeled me pathetic or needy or God knows what other judgments, all for wanting to be held I’ve lost track of. Wanting to be held is natural and good and truly beautiful in this world, and something I absolutely know God would want of me. Because God puts people in our lives to show that type of love.

The simplest truth is that we are supposed to be the arms of God and ultimately show His love with them. It’s our job to wrap them around those we love and remind them regularly that they are going to be ok, that they’re safe to let go and safe to even cry.

I cry as I write these words and envision a day where I receive this myself, where I can finally fall into the arms of another and heal from this broken mess I’ve become…

Dear God, I pray You bring into my life someone to love me so deeply from within that it’s natural for them to want to hold me and never let go…

Peace, love, light, and joy,
Andrew Arthur Dawson