Looking For A Burning Bush Experience…

One of the things my mother took to her grave was her desire to have a burning bush experience with God that she felt never came. For those who may be reading this that do not know what a burning bush experience is, according to the Bible, when Moses went up on Mount Sinai to wait upon God for direction for his people who were growing impatient, he encountered a burning bush that God spoke through and gave him direction. People like my mother have often equated this story to when they’re looking for their own sign and direction from God. What I’ve learned on my journey is that sometimes the signs from God are a lot more subtle.

In Moses situation, the sign of God’s presence was abundantly clear. But for my mother, it was never clear enough. In the last few years of her life, she held steadfast to her belief that God needed to give her a burnish bush experience before she would change anything in her life. In the meantime while she waited, she drank excessive amounts of alcohol that essentially led to her death. Looking back at her life, there were many signs that I felt God presented to my mother. The greatest of which came a year before she died when she fell down the stairs drunk and broke parts of her face and had to be on a breathing apparatus for awhile. Sadly, after she went through a small sober period after that, she returned to her same stance of looking for that big sign and eventually went back to alcohol for the answer. A year later, she fell down the stairs again and broke her neck, dying instantly.

Why is it that we look so much for these huge signs like a burning bush? I’m guilty of it as well. In the past three years of my life I have gone through so much pain and anguish on a spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical level. On many days, I’ve asked God for a sign to know I’m on the right path. Like my mother, my brain has quite often wanted the same thing my mother sought. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t secretly desire to have my own burnish bush experience. But somehow I’m beginning to think that God communicates on a different level these days.

Before all the physical pain became constant in my life, I believe there were many signs that God was sending me to wake up and take a different path. My closest friends and family at the time were often warning me of what they were seeing transpire and how sick they felt I was becoming. I didn’t listen. One of the toxic people I was hanging out with back then crashed my car and also pointed a gun at me and I still didn’t listen. Parts of my body occasionally had great physical pain that suddenly came on but I still kept on living in those toxic behaviors. At one point, all of my body began hurting and this finally grabbed my attention. It did get me to change directions and alter the course of my life for the better. It has made me wonder though if the pain was the only sign that God could resort to so as to get me back on track.

Today, I’m still dealing with a lot of pain but my stance on it is a little different. I look at it as my body’s process of healing. But I will admit that there are many days I still do wish for some great sign from God, such as hearing a booming voice, to show me that good days are on the horizon. Regardless, I think God’s presence is in our lives all the time except we don’t look hard enough for it. Most times, I’m guessing we all take matters into our own hands and try to do what we think is best for ourselves when those signs don’t come in the way we think they should come such as it was in my mother’s case. Today, I wait patiently upon God for a lot of the healing that really is out of my hands, but in doing that, I also remain open for any small signs of God’s presence. Things such as animals coming up close to me and staring at me for awhile, insects including dragonflies and butterflies landing on me, double rainbows suddenly appearing in the sky in front of me, or beautiful bird feathers showing up somewhere around me on most days are taken as examples of God’s signs now.

There is a theory that I have now with how God shows signs in our lives. When any of us aren’t listening and are off doing whatever it is we feel like doing, maybe the signs are a lot more direct and can only come through things that will grab our attention such as major health issues, financial hardships, or huge fallouts with friends and loved ones. And quite possibly, could it be true that when we get on track and are on the path that God wants us to be on, the signs get a lot more understated and it’s all about just remaining alert and being open to them?

My favorite visual representation of the craziness in how people can get when looking for a sign from God can be seen with Jim Carey in the movie Bruce Almighty. During it, he asks for a sign from God and then sees a “Caution Ahead” sign in front of him that he ignores. He then asks God a little more directly and a truck suddenly appears ahead of him filled with “Stop”, “Caution”, and “Wrong Way” signs. Yet he continues ahead and ignores them. He grabs his cross hanging on his rear view mirror and says a prayer while he runs over a bump in the road which forces him to drop the cross to the floor of the car. At which point, he grabs it, looks up, and then runs into a pole, stopping his forward progress altogether.

Maybe signs from God are a lot more like this and a lot less like the burning bush experience that Moses had? Maybe too many of us didn’t listen to the signs that God once gave us in a very direct way? While I really don’t know the answers to either of those questions, I do know that a sign from God can probably come in infinite ways. And maybe the most important thing is for each of us to just pray to remain open to them in an way they may come.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

God Forgives, Do You?

According to some recent statistics, approximately 80% of all the people in the United States identify themselves as a Christian and 84% of the world’s population maintain some level of religious faith and following. What this means is that approximately 8 in every 10 people in both this country and throughout the entire world hold some level of belief in a Higher Power. Given those staggering numbers, I am very troubled by the amount of people who continue to have a hard time forgiving someone who has apparently wronged them in some way, shape, or form when one of the greatest principles of building faith is also in carrying love and forgiveness for everyone.

Why do people continue to hold onto their grudges like they are a best friend? Do people realize that every major religion in this world practices forgiveness in their doctrines? While I’m not a religious person, I do consider myself a spiritual one and follow many of the same teachings and beliefs that Jesus, Ghandi, Buddha, and Muhammad held. In Christianity especially, Jesus always practiced forgiveness to everyone and yet isn’t it ironic that when 8 out of every 10 people in the United States identify themselves as Christians, we still have many hate crimes, violence, and bloodshed that all revolve around the lack of forgiveness.

For the longest time I identified myself as a Christian but was so far from living that way. I carried many grudges like badges of honor and felt hate towards so many. All that did was make me a very negative and angry person who held a tainted view on life. And the more that people “crossed my path”, the more grudges I carried. And the more grudges I carried, the more I disliked everything in life, including myself.

I’ve learned that carrying a grudge is like wanting to have cancer in my body. I’m sure if I went up to anyone who was carrying a grudge and said that they were carrying cancer by holding onto their resentments, most would likely do whatever they could to let them all go. But most don’t realize the poison that is building within their body by carrying any type of grudge.

I believe that God is the opposite of a grudge and is instead, all about forgiveness. There are so many examples in all of the major religions of that, even in the ones that don’t specifically believe in one deity. I have chosen today to not follow any of those religious because I don’t want to put myself in a box. But what I do follow is a higher set of guidelines, ones which allow love for everyone and ones that work on forgiving all those who have ever harmed me, even the most painful ones.

The three most painful ones I have ever had to practice forgiveness towards was with an adult man who molested me, my father who committed suicide, and my mother who spent the last few years of her life drunk. In each of those cases, I held onto to a lot of anger and rage and couldn’t forgive any of them for years. My health suffered as a result on every possible level. When I finally came to a place of healing and forgiveness with all of them, it was as if I became a lighter person.

While I don’t have proof that toxicity builds in the body when one holds onto a grudge and refuses to forgive, I do know that nothing good ever came out of it when I did. The closer I’ve become to God in my life, the more I’ve realized that I need to do what I can to be an example for others in practicing love, forgiveness, and peace for everyone. I am one of those 8 in 10 people in this world who maintains some level of faith in a Higher Being. My Higher Being is God who I know always forgives, so why shouldn’t I too?

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Turbo Charged!

I’ve been on such a movie kick lately seeing quite a number of films at the theater. For me it’s one of the things that summer’s all about anyway. So two nights ago I went to see “Turbo” at the local cinema given that I’m a big animation fan. What’s funny is how this film, like several other films I’ve seen recently, was so closely connected to some of my own life’s experiences.

The film’s plot is actually rather simple. It’s about a snail who has a big dream to go as fast as an Indy race car. All the other snails that live around him laugh at his absurdity and just go on with their daily lives doing what they always do, which is to harvest and eat tomatoes. Due to a freak accident that happens on a venture away from home one night though, the snail is doused in a bath of nitrous oxide when it’s sucked into the engine of a car that’s street racing. When the snail is thrown from that engine, it’s not to long after that he realizes he’s able to travel at speeds upwards of 200 mph and gives himself the nickname Turbo. The rest of the movie is focused on him trying to achieve his dream of being an Indy race car driver when every other snail, including his own brother, still thinks he’s insane and does their best to convince him otherwise.

What I relate most to this plot is the path I’ve been taking these past few years of my life to heal. That path began a few years ago when I made the decision to fully walk away from an addictive lifestyle and start spending most of my time in solitude to try to grow closer to God and to myself. In doing so, my physical body deteriorated and most of my days became filled with vast amounts of mental and emotional anguish. For awhile, I tried to take medications to deal with all the pain and I followed all the doctor’s advice who I saw, none of which helped me in the least bit. Then came the day where I walked away from all those pills and appointments and accepted the only way I was going to heal was to live my life as healthy and spiritual as a human could and that God would help me complete the rest. Like Turbo, I have often thought way bigger than what everyone else around me thinks. Many have thought I’m crazy and that God isn’t going to ever heal me. People have tried to convince me all the time that I should go back on medications or that I have some disease which just hasn’t been discovered yet by the doctors I once visited. Others have told me to just accept I’m always going to be dealing with the pain and make the best of it. But I continue to believe differently than all of them.

Turbo never gave up on his dream and neither will I. He eventually experienced the fruits of his hard work and I know I will too. I refuse to believe that what I’m feeling right now is the best it’s ever going to get for me. So each day now I do my best to trust inherently in God that I will be delivered out of this suffering and restored to a healthy state of mind, body, and soul by remaining patient and continuing to do the hard work I do each day to heal. I leave the rest in God’s hands and truly believe that through all of this, God will eventually turbo charge me too…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson