Daily Reflection

Anger is never without a reason, but seldom with a good one.” (Benjamin Franklin)

My neighbors always seem to be screaming and shouting at their children when they aren’t doing what they want them to be doing. Sometimes I can even hear them through the walls of their houses disciplining their kids with extreme anger when I’m outside doing yard work. Unfortunately, what they don’t realize is how much damage this is only going to cause their offspring the more they continue to use anger in this way. I myself went through the very same thing in the household I grew up in. Everyone was constantly shrieking and yelling to get their point across, but all that did was make them and everyone else miserable. Sadly, when I got older I became the exact same way, consistently using anger as a way to take control of so many things when they didn’t meet my ego’s expectations. Thankfully though, I eventually learned over time that anger doesn’t solve anything. It only scares many people into submission while leaving me feeling unsettled and spiritually imbalanced in the process. This is why I try to never use anger in any of my communications with others these days because I know the outcome of it will never be healthy in the long run, not for me, and not for them.

I pray that I may always find a way to peacefully communicate with everyone without ever having to resort to using anger to get my point across.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Now That Same-Sex Marriage Has Become Legal – Part 2

Back in July I wrote about a local judge here in Toledo who was refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples after same-sex marriage became legal (That article can be found by clicking this link: https://thetwelfthstep.com/2015/07/20/now-that-same-sex-marriage-has-become-legal/). In it, I was quite passive about the matter and truly thought it was just going to become an isolated incident. But since then, there have been a slew of many other individuals across the country following in the same shoes, all basing their denials on the grounds of religious freedom. Because of this, I find myself feeling a lot different now with this growing issue.

Look, I’m all for someone having religious freedom. Personally, I’ve come to the conclusion that there are many paths to the same Source. Thus how one practices connecting to their Higher Power really doesn’t matter to me, so long as it doesn’t take away my ability to have equal rights. But when it begins to infringe upon them, putting me in a place where I’m facing roadblocks and outright denials to something that another human being is able to receive with no problems, strictly because a trait about them is accepted within their beliefs, when mine is not, that’s where I begin to draw the line.

I understand and fully accept the fact there are still plenty of people in the United States, and frankly around the world, who are vehemently against homosexuality, most due to their religious beliefs. Having an opinion about that is one thing, but outright refusing to perform the duties of their job to another because of their beliefs, feels like we’re returning to a time when black people were denied service in establishments deemed as white-only, or even worse, when the Nazi regime persecuted Jews so heinously. Thankfully, right now this movement of anti-homosexual individuals is only in the denial of marriage licenses arena in the United States. But who’s to say that if this unfortunate discrimination pattern continues here, that it doesn’t morph into something much worse.

Another interesting thought I had about this subject is what if the reverse was true and all of these people using their religious beliefs to deny a service to another were denied access to services themselves because the person in charge felt something about them was against their own religious beliefs? Wouldn’t there still be a major outcry and public backlash?

Thus it seems as if this is just going around in circles, and the fact of the matter is, didn’t God bring us all here to love each other equally no matter who we are, what we look like, or what we believe in? Isn’t deep down within each and every one of us a piece of God? If you truly believe this, then why should any of us ever refuse to provide a service to another, as wouldn’t that be an act of denying God himself?

So as you can see, I have begun to change my stance on what I originally wrote in my last article surrounding this issue. While a few months ago I was ok with letting someone practice religious freedom and instead opting to go to someone else who would provide me the same service, I’m not anymore. Seeing the growing number of individuals follow this trend, using religious freedom as a way to deny someone something they truly deserve, feels like it’s taking us in the opposite direction of what God would want of us. Ultimately, I know my Higher Power loves me unconditionally, as well as every one else here on Earth too, which is why I feel it’s my spiritual duty to always do the same, even if it goes against my own beliefs. Because maybe, just maybe, I am being challenged during those moments to look beyond my limited sight and see with eyes more like my Higher Power’s, as with them I’ll be far more embracing, compassionate, and accepting, than if I remain looking through my judgmental own…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Andy and The Zodiac Crystal – Chapter 21

Q: Why did God only make one Yogi bear?
A: Because when he tried to make a second one he made a Boo-Boo!

Yes, it’s really true. I’ve finally decided to change the title of my ongoing book. From now on, it will be titled “Andy and The Zodiac Crystal”. For quite a number of chapters now I’ve been thinking about changing it solely because it doesn’t represent much of what this story is about anymore. And in all honesty, it’s my hope that this new title may garner more interest in reading my foray into YA fiction! 🙂

Click This Link For The Previous Chapters 1 to 20…

Andy and The Zodiac Crystal – Chapter 21

Chris and I emerged out of the vortex and were once again sitting in the large room with all black walls, the sky and stars still shining in place of where a ceiling would normally be. The Council of the Zodiac surrounded us like before, with Capricorn directly facing us.

“Welcome Keeper and Guardian of the Zodiac from planet Earth. We are very pleased with your progress and understand why you have returned to us,” said Capricorn who spoke in the same soothing female voice.

“Christopher, you question whether you need to go on hiding Andy’s identity,” said the deep masculine sounding Aries.

“You wonder if the world will hunt him down if you don’t,” said the equally female soothing voice of Taurus.

“And you are feeling concerned that you won’t be able to handle whatever darkness might come your way…” boomed another deep masculine voice from behind us, that being Leo.

It appeared as if Council ultimately was all-seeing and all-knowing with them asking our questions before we even had a chance to. And while I was still completely amazed at their omnipresence like I had been the first time I sat before them, I secretly wondered why they wouldn’t just tell us exactly what we needed to do to better prepare us for the inevitable, especially if they already knew what our future held.

“Yes…to all three questions…” Chris said slowly, as he interrupted my random thoughts.

“As for you Andrew, we know you are frustrated and wish to have us better prepare you for what your future holds…” began Pisces, who too spoke with an angelic sounding female voice.

Chris looked at me with the same puzzled expression I now had on my face. Are they really reading all our thoughts?

“Yes, we can read your thoughts and as we mentioned to you the last time you were here. There are many things we cannot say, as doing so could alter the entire time-space continuum. While we can see the possibilities that your future may hold, your ability to use free will can alter that at any point in time.” Pisces continued.

The expression on Chris’s face looked as if he already expected that answer.

“As for whether to hide Andrew’s identity, that is for the Guardian to determine. Not concealing it will lead many to covet Andrew’s abilities, while concealing it will only cause just as many to seek out his true identity. Each choice has its own set of risks and outcomes, but regardless of whichever path you choose, the Zodiac abilities can help you in any situation that may arise.” Pisces finished and the room was suddenly immersed in complete silence.

I honestly did feel a little frustrated. What was the point in coming here if the only answers we were going to get were ones we could have figured out ourselves?

“Again we acknowledge your frustration Andrew and want you to understand that we have sat here before many other Keepers and Guardians over thousands of years who each felt the same way as you do right now.” said Pisces.

It did creep me out a little knowing they could read every one of my thoughts.

“What we can say is that if you continue on the path you already are on, then you will fare just fine as most of them did.”

“Most?” Chris said sounding somewhat concerned.

“There have been a few over time who decided to use the abilities of the Zodiac for their own gain and glory. This only led each of them down a very dark path that ended in destruction. As we mentioned the last time you sat here before us, the crystal was never designed to be used in darkness and doing so will only cause it to cease working. The outcome of this for all those who ventured down this path never ended well either.” said Aries.

I knew I didn’t want to go down that path, but it did make me wonder how someone could go so far astray.

“There is one last thing we wish to offer you before you go, as time is passing quickly in your plane of existence.” Taurus said as I continued to ponder what would cause someone to abuse the crystal’s powers. “There is another ability that does not appear on your crystal, but can help you with at least one of the questions you came here with. By saying the word “Endymasia”, a Zodiac uniform will appear on you immediately, and will entirely conform to your own body’s size and dimensions, as well as to whatever Zodiac symbol you might be utilizing at the time.”

I breathed a slight sigh of relief knowing that our journey to the Council wasn’t totally in vein, but I did wonder if the costume was going to look too corny. Nevertheless, it was time to go and both Chris and I knew it.

“We wish you well Andrew and Christopher and we trust you will do everything you can to continue protecting both the crystal and the Light,” said the Council of the Zodiac in unison.

“We will…Chris and I said both at the same time.


As the crystal once again flew out of Chris’s hand with that mesmerizing hum and started spinning in mid-air between us, I felt thankful that Chris had taken us here. Soon, the cosmic room became nothing but a blur, eventually fading completely away until the vortex returned us to my bedroom. Thankfully, a quick glance over at my alarm clock saw only 2 hours had passed since we had left.

“I totally have to see what this Zodiac costume looks like!” Chris said excitedly once the presence of the vortex was fully gone.

“You know they left that choice up to us. I really don’t have to use a costume remember?”

“I think we should. I don’t think our planet is ready for an unmasked super-powered hero.”

“You don’t know that…”

“Remember they placed me in the position as the Guardian and it’s my job to assess these things isn’t it?”

“I guess so?”

“Well come on, let’s see this costume then…”

“Whatever. What was that word again? Oh yeah, Endymasia!”

Suddenly almost in the blink of an eye, the clothing I was wearing disappeared and was replaced by what I could only describe looked like a wetsuit. Although I had worn one of those once when rafting down a river, this felt nothing like that. In fact, the costume conformed to my body so well that it almost felt as if it was a living, breathing part of me. In the center of it was the Gemini symbol in a bright white color. The color of the suit though was glowing the same eerily purple glow as the crystal itself.

“You really need to look in the mirror,” said Chris looking even more excited.

“What? Does it look stupid or something?” I said as I glanced over at the mirror on the back of my bedroom door. “Holy crap!”

There was a mask now conforming to my face that covered part of my nose and both of my eyes. I had no idea it was even there. It didn’t obstruct my vision like one of those Halloween costumes usually do. And it was shining in the same cool purple glow. Contrary to what I thought the Zodiac costume was going to look like, it actually looked pretty amazing on me.

“Andrew Arthur Dawson, it is way past your bedtime and why is your bedroom door locked? Open this door now young man!” My mother said rather sternly on the other side of the door I was now standing in front of.

Almost on impulse and without thinking, I quickly unlocked the door and began to turn the knob…totally forgetting that I still had my Zodiac uniform on.

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson