The Mantra That’s Saved Me From Chasing Friendships

Have you ever felt like you were chasing after someone’s friendship? I know I have, too many times in fact, and unfortunately I allowed myself to go through it yet again just recently. But thankfully, the pain has finally become great enough to make sure it never happens again.

So what do I mean by chasing someone’s friendship? What does that look like when it‘s happening? These are two questions you may be asking yourself right now. I’ve been able to identify a bunch of the signs that indicate when this might be occurring, since I’ve obviously gone through it enough now. The following is a list of just some of them I’ve observed from my own behaviors, but I’m sure there are plenty more:

  • Phone calls never being returned.
  • Phone calls being returned days or even weeks later.
  • Conversations on the phone being mostly about them.
  • Getting little to no time in person with them.
  • Constantly hearing how busy their life is.
  • Getting their voicemail more than not.
  • Them not being willing to make plans for something down the road.
  • Them waiting until the last minute to solidify plans.
  • Other things coming up at the last minute that prevents them from keeping plans.
  • Rarely or never being invited to spend time at their home.
  • Rarely or never being invited to be a part of their plans.
  • Inviting them to something only to show up for a very brief amount of time.
  • Having them spend time with me as long as I’m paying.
  • Them having the money to hang out only when it’s something they want to do.

There is a simple reason why I’ve put up with these types of behaviors again and again and why I’ve ever chased after friendships in the first place. It’s truly about my lack of having them when growing up. Back then I had such a low self-esteem I just accepted what I got out of someone I thought was a friend, regardless of how little it actually was. In doing so, I was always treated poorly and deserved much better. While my life was once riddled with vast numbers of people who I allowed to do this to me, the occurrence of it has all but almost disappeared. I think that’s because I have a mantra (affirmation) that I’ve been saying each and every day now for years and it goes like this:

“I love and accept myself unconditionally, I deserve love and respect, and I accept nothing less.”

It’s because of this mantra and all my spiritual growth that I clearly see now I truly do deserve far better than what I was getting in any of those friendships I chased, including the one I regressed slightly with recently.

So the bottom line is this. Don’t chase after someone’s friendship because you really do deserve so much more than this. Try devoting that energy to someone else who’s willing to put forth a lot more effort, because in the long run you’ll be much happier. And in all honesty, believe in that age old adage when I say it’s their loss…not yours…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Mantra For The Day – For Accepting Life On Life’s Terms

Lately it really seems as if I’ve been struggling quite a bit with accepting life on life’s terms. I first began noticing this several weeks ago when I tried to safely remove all the neighborhood squirrels that were digging up my nicely manicured lawn. Then as the leaves started to fall not too long after, I found myself out there picking them up one by one and getting frustrated in the process as more just continued to come down around me. But this struggle for accepting life on life’s terms hasn’t been isolated to only my yard related obsessions. I’ve also observed this inner struggle with acceptance manifesting itself through a rise in controlling behaviors towards my partner and a few of my friends. Most of the time though, this struggle for accepting life on life’s terms seems to surround the current state of my health, as it’s not where I want it to be. But regardless of where this struggle has been on any given day, I decided it was time for me to do something about it. So I’ve added a new daily mantra that could help me begin accepting life on life’s terms. I’m grateful to my polarity practitioner and friend named Caryn who shared this simple affirmation with me, as I know it will truly help me to spiritually grow in an area I still have some work to do within…

“I trust that all is how it should be and is for my highest and my best.”

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Mantra For The Day – To Eliminate Hypochondria

Hypochondria is defined as having an abnormal anxiety about one’s health, especially with an unwanted fear that one has a serious disease. Sadly, this mental affliction has run in my family for generations. In fact, my father’s mother worried so much about her own health that she actually ended up causing a serious health condition to occur. She developed such a severe ulcer, that half of her stomach eventually had to be removed.

I myself have struggled for years with phantom pains and various ailments that doctors have rarely been able to see or diagnose. Many years ago, I finally stopped going to those doctors regularly because one of them finally told me what I think I always knew, that I was a severe hypochondriac.

While seeing psychologists and social workers over the years helped me to face this disorder, rarely did it ever put a dent into removing any of this unwanted mental condition. But through homeopathic healing, acupuncture, and polarity, I was able to start making some headway into making that happen. One thing though made a much greater impact into eliminating my hypochondria and that’s been through the use of a mantra.

For the past two years I’ve been utilizing one to combat this mental illness that has often plagued me so bad I’d worry I was falling apart. It really has helped me immensely so I sincerely hope if you too suffer from this condition, that you may start using the following mantra to eliminate your own hypochondria.

“I am free of all fears and worries about my health and healing from every area of my life and am completely healthy and well.”

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson