Happy 2nd Year Blog Anniversary!

Today’s kind of an important anniversary for me. It’s actually the day I began this blog exactly two years ago. For 730 consecutive days now, I’ve posted an entry, the vast majority of which have been original spiritual reflections written from my day-to-day life experiences. I’m really quite grateful for this accomplishment, because it’s one more thing I have in life to show how dedicated I am to living a spiritual life.

Maintaining this blog has truly has transformed me in ways I never envisioned when I first began it as a homework assignment from a former therapist and my current spiritual teacher. I once said to them that journaling was totally stupid, but this blog is essentially just that, a journal of my life, and through it, I’ve found healing in areas I once believed was impossible to fix. I’ve also expanded my level of creativity and increased my confidence in my writing skill as well because of it. But most importantly, writing in my blog has helped me to get through so many days where I was severely hurting and extremely blue.

Don’t get me wrong though as there have been many times I’ve questioned whether I want to continue doing this daily exercise, especially when not too many people are actively reading it. But I’m reminded time and time again that I didn’t begin this blog for the purpose of having thousands of readers, I began it to help myself heal and spiritually grow, and that I have been doing for 2 years now.

In all actuality, I realize as I write this that I haven’t given up on anything I’ve undertaken in the past few years. That says a big something for my spiritual growth alone, as it wasn’t that long ago when I had pretty much given up on life and myself.

So one day at a time, I’m going to do my best to keep on writing about my experiences, strengths, and hopes in life, because I know in doing so, it will lead me even further into the love and light of my Higher Power, and maybe even help a few others along the way who end up reading any of these words…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, www.thetwelfthstep.com is just one of those ways...

5 thoughts on “Happy 2nd Year Blog Anniversary!”

  1. Congratulations on the achievement of 2 years blogging! Perseverance is something to celebrate. And commitment to oneself is, in my eyes, the basis of spirituality. Self truth and self knowledge are a necessary cornerstone of open, honest, and healing human connection. And please don’t think that a lack of daily comments represents a lack of readers. I’m certain there are others who, like me, read the posts, think “hmmm,” and move on without comment, but think about the seed of your message that has been planted in our thoughts. Keep moving forward my friend. Well done.

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