Andy’s Woodsy Adventure – Chapter 9

Q: What do Italian’s eat on Friday the 13th?
A: Fettuccini Afraid-o!

AAAH! It’s Friday the 13th everyone, aren’t you scared? I remember when Doodyhead made me watch the original movie and not being able to sleep one bit because of it. Didn’t he know he wasn’t supposed to take a kid to see an “R” rated movie? Geez. LOL. Anyway, we’re back from vacation and it’s already time for another chapter in my woodsy adventure. Yeah! As always, the links to the previous ones are included first. Happy reading everyone!

Andy’s Woodsy Adventure – Chapter 9

The entire cafeteria suddenly erupted in laughter at the ridiculous sight of the gang of underwear buddies who had tried to have fun at my expense. Each of their grins immediately faded into looks of horror and embarrassment, especially the one who had tried to trip me. Everyone was mostly pointing at him and his pink tighty-whities. And it was me now who was the one grinning from ear to ear, as the four of them quickly pulled up their pants and ran outside to the playground hoping to escape the thunderous laughter surrounding them. I secretly celebrated my victory and even though no one knew how or who had done the hilarious prank, it still felt pretty darn good inside.

The rest of my first day back at school seemed to zoom by after that and I’m grateful to report there were no other incidents to speak of. Soon I was back home sitting on my bed looking at the crystal that had saved me and was slowly transforming me into Andy 2.0. I thought about how it had worked in the cafeteria even though I hadn’t been holding onto it and wondered just how far away I could be from it to still work. I decided this was as good of a time as any to figure that mystery out because no one was home at the moment.

After setting the crystal down on my desk, I walked out of my room and stood right outside the door. I grabbed the quarter in my pocket that was left over from lunch earlier today and threw it up in the air. 



The quarter lay motionless in the air at almost my eye-level.



I caught the quarter as gravity took back hold of it and next headed down the hallway to the top of the stairs. I couldn’t see the crystal anymore of course and was probably a good 20 to 30 feet away from it now. I then tossed the quarter back into the air.



My quarter was frozen once again, hanging in the air right before my eyes.



I caught the quarter again and decided this time to try it just outside the front door of my house. As I stood there on the porch and threw the quarter up in the air again, I half expected it wasn’t going to work this time.



Cool! I was totally shocked to see the quarter hovering in mid-air and began wondering if there were any limitations with distance from it at all? I decided to try one more test.



After catching the quarter I walked down the street all the way to the bus stop, which was a pretty good hike from my house. I felt kind of stupid standing there with no one around as I tossed the quarter back into the air.



It still worked! I couldn’t believe it! I flicked the suspended quarter with my finger in delight, half expecting it to then fall to the ground. But ironically, it only moved forward a few inches and remained motionless in mid-air. Huh. That interesting I thought and made a mental note of it.

“Well it appears there’s no limitations with distance…” I said aloud as if anyone could be listening with time being paused.

I wonder…




Still nothing.





“Hey Andy! What’s up?” said Andy #2 suddenly appearing to my right as he caught the quarter before it hit the ground.

“Not much! Man this is so weird talking to myself!” I said laughing. “Hey, I’ve been playing around with my crystal and seeing what it can and can’t do. Do you know anything else about it?” 

“How could I know anything else about it? I’m you and know as much as you do silly! Like the fact you’ve been doing this quarter test now since you got home from school. And like the fact that you’re at this precise moment starting to think about trying to pause time with me still here with you, right?”

“Stop doing that!”

“Stop doing what?

“Stop reading my thoughts!”

“How can I be reading your thoughts if I’m you?”




“See, I told you so!” said Andy #2 grinning.

We both started laughing when a voice suddenly came from behind.

“What’s so funny?” said Chris, a fellow 7th grader from my neighborhood who I didn’t really know all too well, as he walked around me and was now standing directly in front of us. “Hey, I never knew you have a twin brother?!”

I looked over at Andy #2 and knew exactly what he was thinking, especially because of the look that was now on his face, which I’m sure matched my own. My mind began racing on what to do and in all honesty, I’d probably get in trouble and have my mouth washed out with soap if I were to say the word I really want to say right now…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson