The Love Of Christ Can Heal Anything

I truly believe that finding Christ’s love within ourselves can heal just about anything. I say this because for almost two years there stood a huge wall between myself and some of my partner’s family. But in recent months, since reconfirming my life with Christ, I have to say that my relationship with them has totally changed for the better.

It honestly seems so frivolous now what initially caused me to erect that huge wall that kept my partner and I from spending time with these family members for so long. And while that incident doesn’t really need to be brought up again, the truth is that since reconfirming my life with Christ, I’ve begun to see everything so differently, especially with what happened back then. This is precisely why I felt my heart move to personally got together with them in recent weeks and make my amends. This is why I’m writing this because since doing so, I have felt Christ’s love pour forth from within me and ease all that tension I had felt with them.

Now my partner and I find ourselves enjoying time with them again. We spent a few hours on Thanksgiving catching up and have had fun on a game night as well. It’s almost as if that entire gap of two years that passed by with relatively little communication between us and them has been totally erased. I’m definitely grateful for this and know the sole reason this has been made possible is the only thing that changed within me these last few months of my life. And that’s the absolute fact that I asked Christ to come back into my life and my heart.

I’m now seeing this same love pass on to other areas of my life lately and am watching the walls I’ve had with others melt away as well. In fact, I find myself not wanting to have any walls remain erected within me anymore because truthfully they just keep me separated from God.

So I just wanted to pass this little bit of cheer along to anyone who may end up reading this, especially during this holiday season. Because I’m thoroughly convinced now that as long as we tap into the love of Christ, that any wall we’ve ever erected between us and another can be removed.

And while I’m sure that my words today may come off as a little too religious for some, this was not my intention at all. It’s just my hope that one day all of us may tap into the love of something greater than ourselves and start removing all of those walls we still have within us. For me that something greater than myself has been Christ as of late, and as we approach Christmas Day, I must say I’m very thankful for knowing my partner and I will be spending some of it with his family this year rather than apart…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, is just one of those ways...

4 thoughts on “The Love Of Christ Can Heal Anything”

  1. I’m glad that I read the whole article before I started commenting. My experience is that well-meaning Christians have told people who struggle with their health (as you do) that “if you just believe in Jesus, you’ll be healed.” And that has not been my experience, nor has it been the experience of a lot of really faithful Christians I know, either.

    But you are correct – when we are anchored to the Source of Love and Light (whatever one chooses to call that), some of the oddest and seemingly-impossible spiritual healings are possible. When we live in faith and peace, I have found that we seem to attract or generate that in others. And I’m delighted to hear about the healings in relationships that you’ve experienced. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly…

    1. Well I know we have had the talk about the healings from Christ’s love as well. I’m still maintaining my faith that on some level healing there is already happening, I just may not understand it. And yes, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly relationships mend and heal but it does take love and forgiveness… 🙂

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