Finding Another Gray Area In Life

In just over a week, I’ll have maintained this blog for three straight years. After quick calculation, taking out all the “Thought For The Day” posts, I discovered I’ve written over 930 original articles for it since the day I began writing for it. I’m actually totally amazed I’ve been able to do this given how many things I never used to follow through with in many of the previous chapters of my life. With that being said, I’ve realized I do need to approach my blog in a slightly different way moving forward and that’s to find a gray area and not push myself so much to find something to write on.

The truth is I’ve quite often found myself sitting in front of my computer lately saying ‘What the heck do I write about today?’ After all, having composed over 930 original articles that were at least 500 words long and some plenty more than that, has pretty much exhausted much of what I had always planned on including in my blog from the beginning. But for what started out as an online journal just under three years ago has definitely morphed into something far greater than I could ever have imagined back then. I’ve seen my Higher Power benefit a number of people through my experiences I’ve chronicled in here of which I’m extremely grateful for. And I must thank my Higher Power for the benefits I’ve gained from it as well because it’s helped me to keep going, even through the most difficult of trials and tribulations I’ve had to face.

Yet even in this light, I know I must change my approach slightly to maintaining this blog because ultimately I’ve pressured myself on more days than not to sit down in front of my computer and write something. That often tends to stress me out, which is something I don’t want to keep doing to myself thus I’ve decided I’m only going to write when I feel moved to write from here on out. And when I don’t feel moved, I’m just going to put more “Thought For The Day” entries out there.

To be honest, I’m actually pretty proud of myself for reaching this point, because normally I’d force myself to keep up a certain pace until I burned out completely and grew sick and tired of writing in my blog altogether. Thankfully I’m not there yet, or even close to there for that matter. But, this is something I feel is really important to address because it’s all about me finding another gray area in life instead of being that black and white person I’ve always been. The gray areas in life have often been hard to find and usually even harder to maintain for me, especially when I’ve been an all-or-nothing type of person for so long. But in this case, I see this one clearly and am already making strides to live within it.

So as 2016 begins to fully unfold, just know that when you see a short string or long string of “Thought For The Day” entries that it’s only me taking care of me, living in that gray area, and learning how to operate on a new level in my life, one that is most certainly important for the health of my spiritual journey in life…

Peace, love, light, and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, is just one of those ways...

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