The Battle Between Light And Dark Forces

I truly believe there are light and dark forces on this planet constantly battling each other. There are those we can see with our eyes, such as people blessing and loving each other and people fighting and killing each other. But I also believe there are those we can’t see with our eyes, that are beyond sight, that vie for control of each and every person on Earth.

Some might say that battle for control is between angels and demons, while others might say it’s between beings of light and beings of dark, and then there are even those who might say it’s between good energy and bad energy. Well you get the point I’m sure.

I only say all this because I find the more I become a positive person, the more I move farther away from old toxic behaviors, and the more I seek God in every facet of my life, the more it seems as if there’s some unseen movement behind the scenes that tries to trip me up and get me to move backwards into any of my old habits.

Take last night for example. I had just been through a very exhausting conversation with my partner about the status of our relationship and was feeling extremely overwhelmed by the chasm I felt existed between us. Shortly thereafter my phone rang and I received a drunken phone call from someone who I find somewhat attractive and who finds me the same. For the next thirty minutes they attempted to pull at every one of my heart strings to get me to come over and “be with them” for comfort.

This isn’t the first time this has happened to me since undertaking my adventure to become a more spiritual person. I’ve had people from my addictive past suddenly rematerialize and want to reconnect. I’ve had many do more than just flirt with me both in person and online. I’ve been offered alcohol, drugs, and various other stimulants in key moments when I felt at my weakest. Yet through all of it, I’ve stayed connected to God and resisted each and every thing.

My theory is that when we are doing bad things, lower vibrational things, unloving things in this world, that the dark forces don’t care about us, because they already have us in their grips. Yet, when that no longer feels right to our soul, and we begin to move away from all that blackness, those dark forces sense it somehow and begin to throw one thing after another at us, trying to keep us from moving towards the light.

Over the past year, I’ve had more of this happen to me than any other time of my life, and I fully believe that’s because I’m no longer desiring to live or partake in the darkness of this world and it desperately wants me back. Because you see when I lived in all that darkness, I created a lot of chaos, destruction, and pain for myself and so many others. But now, I’m doing everything I can to do the reverse, to be a beacon of light and hope to the world and I don’t think those dark forces like it one bit.

Nevertheless, I’m sure some are going to read this and say it’s bullshit and that I’ve created all of this in my head. If you are one of those who feel this way, then I ask you to try this exercise. Take one month out of your life and do everything you can to be more loving, kind, and caring. If that’s too long, take one week, or even one day for that matter. I venture to say that if you do even just that, there will be things thrown your way during however much time you dedicate to it, that try to trip you up and send you back in the other direction, to a place where you live more in selfishness than in anything else. It took me several decades to realize this, and well a bunch of lifetimes too, but that’s a topic for another blog entry altogether.

Regardless, I’m convinced there are light and dark forces in this world that are unseen and often do battle for each and every one of us. So if you are someone who seems to have bad things happen to you often or if you are one of those who get temptations thrown your way a lot, then take it as a good thing, because the darkness is probably just trying to win you back. And all you need to do is keep looking Higher and know that alone will keep you in the Light…

Peace, love, light and joy,

Andrew Arthur Dawson

Author: Andrew Arthur Dawson

A teacher of meditation, a motivational speaker, a reader of numerology, and a writer by trade, Andrew Arthur Dawson is a spiritual man devoted to serving his Higher Power and bringing a lot more light and love into this world. This blog, is just one of those ways...

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